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HUDSON, John Pilkington
Author: HUDSON (John)
HUDSON (John). §2s. MARL4NI, pseud.
Card ID: 100
Cc-o HUDSON (John), OD. Geographi&e veteris soriptores Grfeoi minores, own interpretatione L.tina [of J. Hudson and others), dissertationibus so annotationibue. (Geographica Arabica. - Henrici Dodwe].li lissertatio de aetate at patria Dionysii Perie,etae.) 4 vole. Plates and folded rna. [cc.) 0 S. oxford, 1698—1712.
Card ID: 101
/ HUDSON (John), D.D. See LONG-INUS (Dionysius C.) [De Sublimitate. — Greek, Latin Prench and Italian.) Aco’IucTLov ilepi öotrç Dionyii Longini de Sublixni libellus. Grace conseriptus, Latino [by J.Hudsonj, Italico [by A.F.Gorij & Gallico [by Boileauj sermone redditus; additiB adnotationibu [by J.Hudson and J.o11ius Edited by G.A.Tuinermani.] Verona, 1733.
Card ID: 107
HUDSON (John), D.D. ee ThUCYDIDES. Lre:: an Ltin.] 1T TOV lte? rov-cLoII oAuou tcrt.j. Thucydidis (te Beilo ?e1opoiiJiesco libri octo, cwa adnotationibuG ir.tegri$ H. Sto±ani ot J.u(toni, etc. sterdar, 1731.
Card ID: 110
a L1 J HUDSON (John), M.D. .,ee LOD1. III. .ti.-:ce11arieous Intitu.tions, Societies, etc.j iay ociety.i-ubns. &Reports and piper on botany...eport Ofl botany. By i.F. Link, trans1cted by J. Huson. London, 1846.
Card ID: 112
Author: HUDSON (John Pilkington)
HUDSON (John Pilkington). Weather, crops.and man: Inaugural lecture, (the University of Nottingham). [With a bibliography.] pp. 14. 8°. [Nottingham, 1959).
Card ID: 114