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HOWELLS William Dean a:cooper william|k:it (william) (8)
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HOWELLS, William Dean
Author: HOWELLS (William Dean)
Ymi HOWELLS (William Dean). A Boy’s town, described for “Harper’s Young Peoplet1, pp. vi. + 247. Plates. 8°. ew Yprl(, 1890.
Card ID: 200
HS3G HOWELLS (William Dean). Chance acquaintance. pp. O3. 16°. J1inburh,1913.
Card ID: 202
1f83a Tan HOWELLS (William Dean). [The Leatherwood God. - Appendix.] See TANEYHfl.L (Richard Henry). The Leathez-wood. God (Joseph C.Dylks), 1869-70: a source of William Dean Howells1s novel of the same name. In two versiona..,F8c$jmjle reproductions, with an introduction by G.Kunrer. 80. Gainesville, Fla., 1966.
Card ID: 211
J$j 33 p LIN Nov HOWELLS (William Dean). Life of Abraham Lincoln. . . (A facsimile reprint of the origina.l edition., vhich formed part of ‘Livea and speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Ilamlin’, 1860.) Corrected by the hand of Abraham Lincoln, etc. [With an introduction by C.C.Walton, and an eyewitness account of Lincoln’s nomination.) pp. mu. + (8) + 17_91i. Portrait and facsimiles 8°. Bloomington, 1960.
Card ID: 212
ii S3:— HOWELLS (William Dean). The Ministers charge;. or, the Apprenticeship of Lemuel Barker. pp. 463. 8°. Boston, 1887.
Card ID: 213
MF3 How HOWELLS (William Dean). Roman holidays and others, etc. pp.303, Plates. 8°. New York and London, 1908.
Card ID: 221
y-rn Hsq HOWELLS (William Dean). The Shadow of a dream. pp. 2274 16°. 1dinburgh, 1901.
Card ID: 224
LCfl HOWELLS (William Dean). See HOELLS (iliiem Cooper). Recollections of life in Ohio from 1813 to 1840 ca95)...ith en introduction by his son J.D. Howells Gaineevflle, 1963.
Card ID: 231