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HOWE John a:h john|k:to (john) (8)
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HOWE, John
DAUB, John Ireland Howe
BAUR, John Ireland Howe
HOWE, John An
HOWE, David John
H, Lloyd and EM, John Ireland Howe
Author: HOWE (John)
1fri€Ctc4%t7 HOWE (John), Baron Chedworth. SEYMOUR (E. r) Remarks, critical, conjectural and explanatory, upon the plays of Shakspeare.. .Together with some... extracts from the &SS. of the late... John, Lord Chedworth, Loncon, 1805.
Card ID: 84
HOWE (John), of Some considerations of a prefce- to n enqi; iry, thc occis i-c’nal coz:foraity ol’ Di.sentersT DIF3E (taniel). [kiiiior &inge crs. J i Letter to air. How, by way of reply to h conjceratjcn of the preface to air enauiry into the occasirni• conftrinity of Diser;ters ,
Card ID: 85
DFOS41OaV, HOWE (John), of agda1en Co11e:, (sxcri. See HORTON (R. F. John Howe, . London, 1905.
Card ID: 86
Author: DAUB (John Ireland Howe)
folio 33 VLSU Bau DAUB (John Ireland Howe). New art in America: fifty painters of the 20th century. [plates, with essays] by J.I.H.Baur, editor, L.Goodrich, D.C.Miller, J.T.Soby, P.S. Wight. pp. 280. Bibliographies and portraits. fri • Greenwich, Conn., and flew York [Holland printed], 1957? The plates are included in the pagination.
Author: BAUR (John Ireland Howe)
folio 33 VLbS Lip BAUR (John Ireland Howe). See LIPNAN (Jean Herzb erg). Bright stars: American painting and sculpture since 1776. [By] Jean Upnan, and Helen Ma Fane. Introduction by John I .11. Baur. Ne.r York, 1976.
Card ID: 87
Author: HOWE (John A11n)
HOWE (John A11n). - See tGI1AND. Deart.tint of’ State and Ofrioial 8odis. Geolo”ical Survey of the Tjnjted iors.J At’rition tests of British road—stones. y E. J. Lverrove. With notes by J. A. Howe and Sir J. P1ett. ciç, 1929.
Card ID: 88
Author: HOWE (David John)
HOWE (David John). See LONDON. fin. London Record let. Pub1icatrons.j 5. London radicalism, 183018143: a selection from the papers of Francis Place. Edited by D.J. Rowe. London, 1970.
Card ID: 251
Author: H (Lloyd) and EM (John Ireland Howe)
•\,33 V3LbU Whi GoODRIcH (Lloyd) and EM (John Ireland Howe). Mrican art of our century. [rJ R.Goodrich and J.IJLEaur. [With a catalogue of the collection at the Whitney Museum of American Art.) 6°. New York, 1961. See NEW ORK. Whitney Museum of Iinerican Art.
Card ID: 240