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HOOPS Johannes a:to john|k:to (john) (4)
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HOOPS, Johannes
QORTELYOU, John van zanat
No Author available
Author: HOOPS (Johannes)
HOOPS (Johannes). Arg1istische Forschungen, etc. [Continued.] [From No. 89 the v1urnes in this series are cataioued under the authors.1 89. PFISTER (Krin). Zeit unCt Wir1c1ichkeit bei Thoni.s .o1fe. 1954. - - 90. DRAP1R (John W.), .D., Harvrd. The TempoZ patterns of Shakespeare?s p1y-s. 1957. 91. ?ILCH (Herbert). Layaions rut: elne litcrarische Studie. 196C. [sEE NEXT CARD.J
Card ID: 347
Author: QORTELYOU (John van zanat)
Pc:’2 LCoAtc(9’ti QORTELYOU (John van zanat). Die altengflschen Namen der Insekten) - Spinnen- unc] Krustentiere. -Heideiber, 1906. Ste hooPs (Johannes). Anglietiache Forsohungen9 etc. 19.
Card ID: 158
Author: No Author available
IQ 2. . RART (John), Chester Herali. ______ See HOOPS (Johannes). Ang].istische Forschungen, . 22. John Hart’s pronunciation o English, 1569 and 1570. By 0. Jespersen. Heidelberg, 1907.
Card ID: 241
Cf.i 1!lII.1KINS (John), Bishgo Chester. See HOOPS (Johannes). Anglistische Forachungen, etc. 69. Zun WeltsprachenprobJ.em in England iw 17. Jahrhunclert: G. Dalgarno’s “Ars signorum”, 1661, und J. Vlilklns’ “Essay towards a real character and a philosophical language”, 1668. Von 0. Funke, etc. Heide1be, 1929. C
Card ID: 338