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HOOL George Albert an (george) (3)
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HOOL, George Albert
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Author: HOOL (George Albert)
DEPOSITORY HOOL (George Albert) and. :i (?Iil1ini Sau.Ldin). Steel and tkber structures. Conpiled by... specialists. Editors-in-chief, G.A.Hool and Vt.SJZinne. First edItion. pp.xvi. + 695. T11ustrations charts and diagrans. 8. ew York & London, 1924.
Card ID: 171
eIIToRY HOOL (George Albert). :einforoed concrete oonstruction...Prepared in the Extension Division of the University of isoonein. By G.A.Hool (assisted by F.C. Thiessen. Vith chapters b’ Lseveral contrbtorsj.) (ir:eerin Education Series.) 3’volE Illustrations, tables and diagrams. 8°. Iew York & Londor1, 1913-17. 1. Fundamental rincp1es. Second edition,ninth inp— ression. 2. !etaining walls and buildings. First edition,twelf— th impression. 3. Bridges end culverts. First edition, eighth irnpres sion.
Card ID: 168
Author: No Author available
EPOS1TORY HOOl. (George Albert) and 1IiflE (7il1iem Spauldirig). Foundations, abutments and footings. Compiled by.. .speciallsts. Editorc—in—chie±’, (.A.Hool and W.S.inrie. Assisted by t.S.Baker. First edition, eiflth icipreesion. pp.xiv. + 414. Illustrations and diaprwns. 80. IJew Yorc & London. l23.
Card ID: 170