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HOOKER John a:on peter|k:is (peter) (4)
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AEEW, Sir peter
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Author: HOOKER (John)
VOWELL, otherwise HOOKER (John). The Life a.nd times of Sir Peter Carew, Kt., from the original manuscript, with a historical introduction and elucidatory note.s by J. Maclean. pp. cviii. + 317. Portrail, plate, facsimile, folded map and tables. Bo. London, 1857.
Card ID: 321
VOIL otherwise HOOKER (John). he Antique description and account of the City of Eeter...Part I.,c,ontainin the antient history c. of the City...Pert II.,containing a large...acoount...of the thedral Church of St. Peter, to which is added a...catalogue, with...neno1rs, of all the bishops...Part III., contains the offices...&c. of the Cit, etc. pp.ii.÷ 192. 4. Exeter,1765. 2s.oh pert has a. sepe.rato titlope, the pagination bei continuous throughout.
Card ID: 319
Author: AEEW (Sir peter)
t’ \J L cAEEW (Sir peter). 5ee VOWELL, otherwise HOOKER (John). The Life and times of Sir Peter Carew, Kt., from the original manuscript, with a historical introduction and elucidatory notes by J. Maclean. Lon, l85’.
Card ID: 513
Author: No Author available
MVL ico WLCLEA1 John). • Se VOWELL, otherwise HOOKER (John). The Life and Umes of Sir Peter Carew, Kt., from the original manuscript, with a historical introduction and eluciaatory notes by J. Maclean. London, 1857.
Card ID: 170