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HOOKER John a:i peter|k:is (peter) (4)
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Author: HOOKER (John)
VOWEl1 otherwise HOOKER (John). See VOWELJ., otherwise HOOKEä (J.)
Card ID: 317
‘4LA) HI Koo ‘lOWELl, otherdse HOOKER (John). An Account of the sieges of Exeter, the foundation of the Cathedral Church and the disputes between the Cathedral and the city authorities...Froin the manuscript in the Exeter Muniment Room. ¶2ranscribed and annotated by W.J.Harte. pp. 268. Illustrations and folded plates. 80. Exeter, 1911. One of 100 copies printed.
Card ID: 318
VOIL otherwise HOOKER (John). he Antique description and account of the City of Eeter...Part I.,c,ontainin the antient history c. of the City...Pert II.,containing a large...acoount...of the thedral Church of St. Peter, to which is added a...catalogue, with...neno1rs, of all the bishops...Part III., contains the offices...&c. of the Cit, etc. pp.ii.÷ 192. 4. Exeter,1765. 2s.oh pert has a. sepe.rato titlope, the pagination bei continuous throughout.
Card ID: 319
VOWELL, otherwise HOOKER (John). The Life a.nd times of Sir Peter Carew, Kt., from the original manuscript, with a historical introduction and elucidatory note.s by J. Maclean. pp. cviii. + 317. Portrail, plate, facsimile, folded map and tables. Bo. London, 1857.
Card ID: 321