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HONE William a:hone william|k:it (william) (7)
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HONE, William
HONE, a William Douglas
ROEBUCK, George EA and HONE, William Benson
Author: HONE (William)
PN 45 HONE (William), Bookseller. [The Apocryphal New63 Testament.] The Suppressed Gospels and Epistles of the original New Testament.. .ranslated. . .by Archbishop biake and other learned divines. [A new edition by Edward Hancock of William Hone’s “Apocryphal New Testament”.) pp. iv. + 235. 8°. London, 1863.
Card ID: 288
czrr HONE (William), Bookseller. The Every-day book; or, Everlasting calendar of popular amusements...ceremonies, manners, customs and events, 2 vols. Illustrations 8°. London, 1826.27. Section 27 of Vol. 1 is bound befcre section 26.
Card ID: 292
HONE (William), Bookseller. The Political house that Jack built. (The clerical magi3trat.) [Satires in verse, b W.Hone.1...Thlrd edition. London, 1819. —Fourth edition. Londofl, 1819. —Fifth edition, London, 1819. —Eleventh edition. London, 1819. —Fifteenth edition. London, 1819. —Fine [paper] edition. Qiidon, 1819, —Forty—third edition. London, 1820. See JACK. — [sEfl E:’ CATD.]
Card ID: 296
HONE (William), Boo:seller. The Queens matrimonial ladder.. .y the author of “The political house that Jack built”.[i.e. W.Honej. London, 1820. —Ninth edition. London, 1820. —Eleventh edition. London, 1820. —Thirty—seventh edition. London, 1820. —Forty—fourth edition. Londoi, 1820. Seo CAROLINE. Qeon- nsort of Geore IV., Ki of Great Britai d Ire1an.
Card ID: 298
HONE (William), Bookseller. The Year book of daily recreation and information concerning remarkable men and manners, times and eeasona...on the plan of the every—day book ...[Compiled] by W. Hone, pp. (828). Illustrations. 8°. London, 1845.
Card ID: 300
Author: HONE (2a William Douglas)
• yp H784G HONE (2a William Douglas). “Now Barabbas...” (A play in three acts.] pp. xii, 105. Plates London, 1947.
Card ID: 291
Author: ROEBUCK (George EA) and HONE (William Benson)
dw4vJ- ROEBUCK (George EA) and HONE (William Benson). A Prier of library practice for junior assistants. pp. viii.+ 159. S°. and Now YQk,., 1904.
Card ID: 362