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HOLLOWAY John a:on john|k:0959 (9)
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HOLLOWAY, Christopher John
HOLLOWAY, Chritopher John
HOLLOWAY, Cbrit,opber John arid BLACK, Joan
Author: HOLLOWAY (John)
HOLLOWAY (John) , Profescr of Modern Eng2.ith, Cambride. HOLLOWAY (Christopher John).
Card ID: 411
Author: HOLLOWAY (Christopher John)
“1 i’ HOLLOWAY (Christopher John). The Colours of clarity: essays on contemporary literature and education. pp. ix. + 166. 8. pcIpn, 1964.
Card ID: 390
HOLLOWAY (Christopher John). The Fugue and shorter pieces. Poems.] pp. 60. 8°. London, 1960.
Card ID: 392
YQ H726G HOLLOWAY (Christopher John). A LDndon childhood. pp (6) + 127. 8. london, 1966.
Card ID: 394
IflZS& - HOLLOWAY (Christopher John). The Minute, and longer poems. pp. 72. - 8°. [lissle, Yorkahire], 1956.
Card ID: 395
Author: HOLLOWAY (Chri8topher John)
— HOLLOWAY (Chri8topher John). The Simplicity of poetry. See LONDON. [Iii.] Royal. Society of Literature. Transactions, etc. (New Series). Essays by divers hands, etc. Vol. 31. pp; 79—94. London, 1962.
Card ID: 398
YEG Hol HOLLOWAY (Christopher John). Widening horizons in verse. [Four lectures delivered at the University of Chicago in 1965.] p. ix.+ fl5. 8°. [London), 1966. 4-
Card ID: 399
wa6G HOLLOWAY (Christopher John). Wood and windfall: [poems). pp. vii. + 67. 8° London, 1965.
Card ID: 400
Author: HOLLOWAY (Cbri8t,opber John) arid BLACK (Joan)
YBJB7 Hol HOLLOWAY (Cbri8t,opber John) arid BLACK (Joan). later English broadside ba]..s. Edited by John Eollow’ey end Joan Black. 2voTh. Illus. London, 1975-1979.
Card ID: 403