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HOGARTE William a:i william|k:it (william) (2)
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HOGARTE, William
Author: HOGARTE (William)
- f V L- (- Rncc— HOGARTE (William). [Collections.1 The Works of William Hogarth, in a series of engravings, with descriptions, and a comment on their moral tendency, by J. Trusler. To which are added, anecdotes of the author and his works, by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols. 2 vois. Portrait. Vi. 4. London, 1833. The pagination is continuous throught the two vols.
Card ID: 524
•j: c):i HOGARTE (William). [Collections.] William Hogarth’s 2eichnungen, nacla den Originaleiin Kupfer gestochen von E. Riepenhausen. Frankrort—on—Main, [1949]. See LICHTENBERG (Georg C.) Gesainnelte We±ke, . (Ergnzungsband.)
Card ID: 526