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HODDER James a:m c 1|k:c(’c) (1)



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    Author: HODDER (James)


    rA&, Li e&--’1 £C’,y HODDER (James). fodder’s ArithinetiCk, Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>Contin.] —The seventeenth edition, revised, augmented and above a thousand faults amended, by H. Lose, late servant and suCCessor to the author. pp. (10)4 216. Portrait. [De M.) 12°. Printed for B. Class='text-error'>Class='text-error'>Chiswel and T. Sawbrid: London 1690. —The five and twentieth edition, revised...’ by H. Mose,ç.pp. (10) + 216. Portrai. [De iL.j 8°. rihte.dby4.Frank1in for S. Phil1ip, : Boston [Mass.), 1719. The first se’ate En1ish textbook on ArithmetiC to be published ieriCa.

    Card ID: 244