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HOBSON, John Atkinson
Author: HOBSON (John Atkinson)
HOBSON (John Atkinson). God and Mamion: the re1tions of religion and economics. (The Foruni Series, No. 13.) pp. vi. + 58. 0 $ . London, 1931.
Card ID: 102
1 b HOBSON (John Atkinson). The i1ora1 of economic internationalism. (barbara Wejnstock Lectures on the Morals of Trade.) pp. 69. [Mass.) 8°. BostonLand New York, 1920.
Card ID: 104
- HOBSON (John Atkinson). Prob1en of a new world. pp. viii. + 277. 8 . London, 1921.
Card ID: 106
DEPOSTORY HOBSON (John Atkinson). Property and improperty. pp. 223. no 0 . London, 1937.
Card ID: 107
HOBSON (John Atkinson). Rationalism and bumaniszn Delivered at Conway aall ...önOctober 18,,. 1933, . (Conway Memorial Içu.) pp. 48 8°. Lc.p4n, 1933.
Card ID: 109
HOBSON (John Atkinson). The Social problem: life and work. pp. x. + (2) + 295 + (1). 8°. London, 1901. Hc’b
Card ID: 111
HOBSON (John Atkinson). Th War in South Africa: its causes and effects. pp.viii. + 324. 8°. London 1900.
Card ID: 113
• _t_cv CcA HOBSON (John Atkinson). § BRAILSFORD (Henry N.) The Life—work of J.A.Hobson... Delivered on 15 May 1947 at the London School of Economics and Political Science. London, 1948.
Card ID: 115