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HKESPEARE William a:as william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: HKESPEARE (William)


    fl2 ç H’’ HKESPEARE (William). [Appendix.- Miscellaneous.] See HAWEIS (Hugh R.). Shakapere and the stage: a tribute to the Shakepere Memorial at Stratrordon-Avon. A sermon preached at St. ae’s, Westmoreland Street, Marylebone, April 28, 18’?8. London, 1878.

    Card ID: 275

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    H F T SHAKESPEARE (William). [Merchant of Venjce.J The Merchant of Venice. Edited by R. F. Patterson...and I.J. Simpson. (The Satchel hkespeare.) pp. (8) + io. 80. kondon and Glasgow, (1947].

    Card ID: 473

  • card

    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    3 SHAKESPEARE (William). Lworks.j Bell’s edition of hkespeare’s plays . LContinued. 6. Two gentlemen of Verona. Taming of the shrew Troilus & Cressida. AntLony & Cleopatra. 7. King Richard 2d. Henry y Sixth. d. Titus Andronicus. Comedy of errors. L4idsumniuers night dream. Love’s labour lost. 9. Poems written by Shakespear. (The life of Shakespeare.) Another copy.) With 36 achjtjpna1 Diates .&ated 1775—76.

    Card ID: 38