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HILL Paul a:hill paul|k:is (paul) (3)
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HILL, Paul
HAAS, Paul and HILL, Thomas George
POPENQE, Paul Bowman and JOHNsON, Roswell Hill
Author: HILL (Paul)
HILL (Paul)1 Lecturer at Wye College. See HILL (G. Paul).
Card ID: 537
Author: HAAS (Paul) and HILL (Thomas George)
HAAS (Paul) and HILL (Thomas George). An Introductionto the chemistry of plant products. 2 vols. Diagrams and tables. 8°. London, 1928, 1922. 1. On the nature and significance of the commoner organic compounds of plants... Fourth edition. 1928. 2. Metabolic processes. 1922.
Card ID: 221
Author: POPENQE (Paul Bowman and JOHNsON (Roswell Hill)
!) E P08 ITO RY POPENQE (Paul Bowman and JOHNsON (Roswell Hill). Applied eugenics...Revised edition. [With a bibliQgraphy and glossary.] (Social Scice xt_—Books.) pp. ix. + 429. Portraits, illustrations. charts diagrins an. tables. 0 8. New Yor], 1933, [reprinted 1947].
Card ID: 311