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HILL NORTH CAROLINA a:on robert|k:an (robert) (11)



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    CHAPEL HILL (North CAROLINA). Univer3ity of North Carolina. Studies in the Germanic languages and literatuies. [Continued.] 30. ‘ITZELL (John). The Hermit in Geraan literature, from Lessing to Eichendorff. 1961. 31. KLEIST (Bernd H.W.von). [Der zerbrochene’jw Krug.— Eng1ih.] The B’oken pitcher4t comedy in one act...Translated into English verse by B.Q.Morgan. 1961. oI6-iq. 32. LINKER (Robert W.) Music of the !n.nnesinger and early Meistersinger: a bibliography. 1962.

    Card ID: 78

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    CKAPEL HILL (North CAROLINA). University of North. Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and 1iteraiures. [Continued.] ‘- ‘ -. ° Z 80. FOSTER (David Wil1im). The I1yth of Paraguay in the fiction of Augusto Roa Bastos. 1969. iC cC (, ,‘ \ 81. COLEIAN (Alexander). Other voices: a stud4k of the late poetry of I,uis Cernuda. 1969, 82. CLE1IENTS (Robert Jobn). The Peregrine muse: studies in comparative Renaissance literature. i96.9. Ce [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 129

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    CHAPEL HILL (North CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and Uteratures. [Continued.) EL 83. ELLRICH (Robert J.) Rousseau and his reader: the rhetorical situation of the major works. 1969. 84. MICICEL (Emanuel J.) The Artificial paradises in French literature. 1. The influence of opium and hashish on the literature of French romanticism and ‘Lee flours du mal’. 1969. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 130

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    CHAPEL HILL (North CAROLINA). University of North - Oaro1Ia. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. [Continued.] +1. AflAHAM (Claude K.) Gaston d’Orlans et saX cour: dtude littrajre. 1963. +2. WiEBEUF. [Renart i.e .8estorn4.) Rutebeuf and Louis IX. By E.B. Ham. [With the text.] )fy 1962. $ir1G. 43. KIRSNER (Robert). The Novels and travels of Camjlo J4 Cj1 1963. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 116

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    CHAPEL HILL (North CAROLINA). University o North Carolina. Studies in comparative literature. [Continued.] 4. REICHRT (Herbert W) and SCHLECHTA (K.) Intern.tionl 7 Nietzsche bibliography, revised and expanded. 1968. —ig 46. LIBMAN (Valentina A.) Russian studies of Ame?i Ii-”’--’” erature: a bibliography...Translated by R.V, Allen. Edited by C. Gohdes. 1969. rWL.. 47. DAVIS (Garold N.) German thought and culture in EnglandPW 1700—1770: a preliminary survey, including a chronological bibliography of German literature in 1.iglieh translation. 1969. 48. MAYO (Robert S.) Herder and the beginnings or comparative literature. 1969. [sz NEXT CARD]

    Card ID: 65

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    Author: HILL (NORTH cApor,INA)


    (iL CHAPEL HILL (North cApor,INA). University of North Carolina. Studies In the Romance languages and literatures. 4. The Italian questione della lingua: an interpretative essay. [By] R.A. Hall. pp. (10) + 66. 8°. Chapel Hill, 1942. See HALL (Robert A.)

    Card ID: 95

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    CHAPEL HILL (North CAROIJNA). University of North Carolina. Shidies in the Germanic languages and literatures. [Continued.] 82. BROWN (Jane Kurshan). Goethe’s cyclical narratives: ‘Die Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten’ and (•v3— ‘WiThe]jn tieisters Wanderjahre’. 1975. V 83. KINNICH (Flora). Sonnets of Catharina von Ureiffen- J7c% berg: methods of composition. 1975. 84. REICHERT (Herbert William). Friedrich Nietznche’s 7 impact on modern German literature: five eanayn. 8. O’FLAHERTY (James C.) Studies in Nietzsche and the classical tradition. Edited by James C. O’Flaherty1. Timothy F. Sel].ner, and Robert N. Helm. 1976. ) I [SEE NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 92

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    Author: BOWIE (Theodore-Robert)


    -- C]tij —J, BOWIE (Theodore-Robert)..’ — -. The PaiIter in French fiction: a critical essay. pel Hill, 1950. See CHAPEL HILt, (North CAROLINA). University of North Carolina. Studies in the Roriance languages and literatures, 15.

    Card ID: 294

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    Author: WINSTON (Robert Watson)


    DEPOSJTOR WINSTON (Robert Watson). Aycock: his peoolets genius. Founders Day address, October 12, 1933, University of North Carolina...Published as a supplement to the Alumni Review, Vol. XXII. No. 2. pp. 24. 8°.[Chapel_HIll], 1933.

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: No Author available


    XTP R86a Eli ELLRICH (Robert J.) Rousseau and his reader: the rhetorical situation of the major works. (Universit of North Carolina. sYdTTh t11n ____ Fé53) eaesand d Chapel Hill, N.C., 1969.

    Card ID: 523

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    Author: No Author available


    2. CHAPEL HILL (North CAROLINA). i1,vesity pf North Carolina. Studies in the Romance languages and literatures. Ed ( ,.1-tp(r L:::J 22. BURGESS (Robert M.) Platonism In Desportes. 1954. k DJ 23. LUCENA (Luis). Repetición de antores. Edited by J.Ornstein. 1954. I4i 24. HOLMES (Urban T.) Samue-J. Pepys in Paris. 1954. 25. SCEIUTZ (Alexander H) Vernacular books in Parisian private libraries. 1955. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 111