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HILL, John Stuart
Author: HILL (John Stuart)
I€ HILL (John Stuart). [An Examination of Sir Wil1ia Hamilt)i’a Philosophy. - Appendix.] See McCOSII (James). Philosophical papers. I. Examination of Sir srI. Hamilton’s logic. II. Rev0.y to Hr.Hill’s third edition, etc. London, 1868.
Card ID: 231
HILL (John Stuart). A System of Logic ratiocinative and inductive. Appendizc.) Mill and Whewell on the logic of induction. [A review, by R.H.Hutton, of Mill’s “System of logic1’ and Whewell’s “Of induction”.] (Christian Teacher, No. k7.) pp. 77—111. [De. M.] 8°. [London, 1850.]
Card ID: 243