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HICKS Frederick Cyril Nugent (2)
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HICKS, Frederick Cyril Nugent
Author: HICKS (Frederick Cyril Nugent)
HICKS (Frederick Cyril Nugent), successively Bishqp of Gibraltar and of Lincoln. See HEADLAM (Maurice P.) 3ishop and friend: Nugent Hicks, sixty—fourth Bishop of Lincoln. London, [i9L5].
Card ID: 181
cc’ HICKS (Frederick Cyril Nugent), successively BiahQof Gibraltar and of Lincoln, and WOODS (Edward Sydney), successively Bishop of Crordon and of ichfie1d. Reading with a view to ordination: list of books rccominended for the use of candidates aervin in His Majesty’s Forces. pp. 23. 16°. London, 1919.
Card ID: 182