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HI Antonio as (antonio) (7)



  • card

    Author: HI (Antonio)


    MAGrIABEccHI (Antonio). See PIECES. Fugitive pieces, etc. Vol. 2. (A Parallel, in the manner of Plutarch, between a most celebrated man of Florence •(Antonio !Aagliabechi), and one, scarce ever heard of, in En1end (obert Hill). By..JAr. Spence.) t,ondon, 1761.

    Card ID: 443

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    Author: GONZ (Antonio)


    XPD7 Per PR GONZ (Antonio). Relaciones poticas sobre las fiestas de toros y caPias. [Facsimiles.J (El Ayre de hi Alinena, 29, 31—”7 ) Vol. 1, etc. Cieza, 1971, etc. In progress. 1. Biblicteca Prez Cómez. Siglos XVII a XIX. 1971. 2—3. Biblioteca e The hispanic Society of America. Sig].o XVII. 1972. 4. ,iblioteca de Antonio Perez Gômez, II. Siglos XVII y XVIII. 1972. 5-. Biblioteca de The Hinpanic Society of America, Ifl. Siglos XVII y XVIII. 1973. 6. Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. Siglo XVj1. 1973. SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 359

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    Author: CALAHORRA (Antonio de)


    ELIOT-PHELPS ‘ hi t’- COLLECTfO L CALAHORRA (Antonio de). BLANCALANA (Bernardino). Historia de la sagrada iniagen- de Christo crucificado, que está en la nobi1sima ciuciad de Luca, cuya - cooia Se venera en el Real Convento deI.t 8•ra de Atocha...De nuevo dada a). piiblico a solicitud del P.Fr.Antonio de Calahorra, etc. Madrid, 1785.

    Card ID: 492

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    Author: MOSES (henry)


    MOSES (henry). ALBRIZZI (I.) Countess. The Works of Antonio Caova, in aou3.pttue on ino.e11ing. En’avea. in outline by hi, Moses, London, 1824.

    Card ID: 246

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    Author: No Author available


    WELLS (James hi.) See TAGLIENTE (Giovanni Antonio). Opera di Giovanniantonlo Tagliente. The 1525 edition, reproduced in facsimile with and introduction by J.M.Wells. Chicago, 1952.

    Card ID: 297

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    Author: IGHE (Hans)


    PR [Z-Heidelberger] IGHE (Hans). See HEIDELmmG. ]{eide iberger Akademie dei’ Wissenschaften. Sitüngsberiéhte der Heidelbergr kademié der Wissenachaften. Philósojtisch-hi storlsàhè Klasse, Jahrgang 1977, 2.) Krahes alteuropäische 1rdronauiè und die we stindogertoani sehen Sprachen, etc. twJ (Antonio Tovar). Heidelberg, 1977.

    Card ID: 187

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    Author: No Author available


    P.R. CCO-Sov...L l’.hi’v ot.& Q7Cc LE’EVE-POflTiLI3 (Oermain). See PARIS. Sociétó do 1’Histolre de Pranoe. Uubiicat1ons. J 290,292,303,50ö. Mo1DSIN: (Antonio). Chronique d’ADtonio 1.:orosiii Ectraits relatifs a l’histoire do France...Irtroduction et cornrentaire pr G.Lefvre-Ponta1is, etc. Pari$ç 1898-1902.

    Card ID: 248