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HEYWOOD Thomas a:p 1|k:p (will) (20)



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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. The Dramatic works of Thomas Heywood, now first collected with illustrative notes and a memoir of the author [by R.H. Shepherd]. 6 vole. 8. London, 1874. F.G. Pleay’s copy, with numerous annotations and insertions by him.

    Card ID: 651

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. [The Captives. B.M. MS. Egerton 1994, if. 52—73. Heywoodts foul paperi amiotated by the book—keeper for transcription as a prompt—book. Without title and author’s name. Photographic facsimile.] pp. (43). [1624].

    Card ID: 660

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    (‘m’ HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dranatist. The Foure prentises[of] London, with the c3rlquest of Jerusalem: [a comedy in verse], ts it hath beene diuèrs times ected [sic] [the] Queenes Majesties Seruants with good applause. Written and newly reuised by T. Heywood. pp. (81). [D—.L.L.] 4O Printed at, London by N. Okês, 1632. Imperfect: wanting leaves C3-4, and the lower part of D4, which has been supplied in MS. Closely cropped. The title—page is corrected in ink for a reprint of the 1615 edition.

    Card ID: 669

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    -t HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. The Golden ages or, the Liues of Jupiter and Saturne, with the deifying of the heathen gods, etc. [A dramatic history in five acts chiefly in verse.] pp. 74. 4. London, 1611. Negative photostat facsimile.

    Card ID: 670

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    ir HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. (A Pleasant conceited comedie, wherein is shewed) How a man may choose a good wife from a bad. 1602. [By Thomas Heywood.] [London], 1912. -Students’ facsimile edition. [London], 1912. See TUDOR FACSILUU TEXTS. COMEDY.

    Card ID: 674

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    2jreC HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. How a man may chuse a good wife from a baa. [By Thomas Heywood.] Edited by A.E.H. Swaeri. Iouvain, 1912. See BAflG (Willy). ?ateria1ien zur Kurde des lteren englischen Dramas, etc. 35.

    Card ID: 675

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist, [King Edward IV.) The First and Second Parts of King Edward the Fourth: a facsimile reprint of the unique copy of the first edition (1599> in the Library of C. W. Clark. With an introductory note by S. de Ricci. pp. 17 + (180). 8°. Philadelphia and New York, 1922. 2. 71 of an edition of 1 copies.

    Card ID: 681

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    Harry Price Library For Reference O&y HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. The Life of Merlin, jt. [Contint.] [A reissue.) pp. (70) ÷ 376. [H.L.) O cT.Okes: London, i6L1. Page 375 of this issue is a cancel, with the text reset and omitting the last 32 lines relating to Prince Charles. Imperfect; wanting sig.’ff 1, 2 and L, the frontispieces titlepage and ‘To the reader.e A MS. facsimile of the titlepage and of the last 32 lines are supplied. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 684

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. - The Life of Merlin, etc. [Continued.] [Another edition.] Mer].ins prophecies and predictions interpretea...with the life of Merlin, etc. p. (70) + 375. Frontispiece. t—L.L. I 40 London, 16)1.

    Card ID: 685

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatit. No-body and some—body. With the true chronicle historie of Elydure, who was for-tunately.- three several times crowned King of g1and, ..f-By T. Heywood.) SIMPSON (R.), TheSchool of Shakespere, . Vol.1. London, 1878 £1877].

    Card ID: 689

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    C ‘ HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. Oenone and Paris. By T.H. [Attributed to Thomas • Heywood]. Heprinted from the unique copy in the Folger Shakespeare Library. With’-an introduction and notes by J.Q. Adaths. Washington, 1943. See WASHINGTDN (COLUMBIA). Folger Shakespeare Library. tPublications. T

    Card ID: 691

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    Author: HEYWOOD (Thomas)


    (3 (&a Scrw*) ) HEYWOOD (Thomas), Dramatist. Porta pietatis; or, the Port or harbour of piety, exprest in sundry triumphes, pageants, and showes, at the initiation of the Right Honourable Sir Aaurice Abbot, Knight, into the ilajoralty of London., 2.• LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Percy Society. Early Erglish poetry, .t.2• Vol. 10. Lord Mayors pageants, . Part 2. pp. 55—78. London, 1844.

    Card ID: 695