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HEUSS Theodor a:der theodor|k:der (theodor) (7)
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HEUSS, Theodor
Author: HEUSS (Theodor)
DEPOSITOR! HEUSS (Theodor), Presicent oCthedentan Federal Réfiiflujs. Anton Dohrn. Zweite erweiterte Ausgabe mit einera Beitrag von LBoveri. pp. 448. Rortraits and rlates. 8°. StuttgarL and Tubingea, 1948.
Card ID: 159
HEUSS (Theodor), ent ______________ • •‘flUb11c. Deutsche Cestalten: Studien 3utn 1Jérhundert. pp. 392+(4). 8°. Stuttgart and Tibigen, [19491.
Card ID: 162
‘7c J HEUSS (Theodor), President of the Genan Wederal pub1ic. Erinnerungen, I 905 — 1933. Tuebingen, 1963.
Card ID: 164
HEUSS (Theodor), Presj4ent Gt the tziaiiFedtàLN[...J Republic. Friecirieh Nauinann: der Mann, das Werk7ttie - Zeit. pp. xii. + 751. Portraits d facsiij. 80. Stuttgart and Berlin, 1937. —Zweite, neubearbeitete Auflage. pp. xiv. + (2) + 591. Portrait. 0 8. stuttgart and Tflbien, 1949.
Card ID: 165
1c tr 10 HEUSS (Theodor), President of the Grna Fcdrã Rjiibiie Hans Otto Schailer: em Gederikblatt. pp. 3—34 + (4). 80. Stuttgart and Tubingen, 1947.
Card ID: 166
MW cp,& ), HEUSS (Theodor), President of the German Federa]. ReDublic. 20 July 1944: the ceremony commemorating the tenth anniversary of 20 July 1944, held in the Auditorium Maximum of the Free University of Berlin on 19 July 1954. pp. 23. 8. tEerlin, 1954]. With a resentation inserition by the author.
Card ID: 173
PO5flQRY HEUSS (Theodor), President 9f_the erma Fcdera - Reub1ic. See BOVERI (Margret). Theodor Heuss. PA. Boveri Die’literarlsche Gestalt. LPrinzing: Bibliographie der Sehriften und Reden von Theodor Heuss und Elly Heuss—Knapp. tuttgart, [954).
Card ID: 174