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HEURTLEY Charles Abel in (charles) (2)
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HEURTLEY, Charles Abel
URTLEY, Charles Abel
Author: HEURTLEY (Charles Abel)
• cO HEURTLEY (Charles Abel). WACE (Henry), Canterbury, and SCHAI?F (Philip). A Select library of Nicene and post—Nicene fathers...A new series, 11. Sulpitius Severus.(Translated by A.Roberts.) Vincent of L4rins: (the Commonitory...for the antiquity and universality of the Catholic faith against the profane novelties of all heresies. Translated by C.A.Heurtley,) etc. 2rand Rapids, 1955.
Card ID: 105
Author: URTLEY (Charles Abel)
DPOS1ORY JThURTLEY (Charles Abel). De fide et syzabolo: documenta qudam nec non aliquorum ss. patrum tractatus. Edidit C.A. Heurtley. Editio quarta, recognita et aucta. pp. viii. + 219. 8°. Oxford and Iøndon, 1889.
Card ID: 104