
Search Term (count):

HERSCHEL Sir John Frederick William a:to john|k:to (john) (13)



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    Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick william)


    HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick william). Seep., C. Sir John Herschel: an 6loge read at the anniversa.y meeting of the Royal Astronor ical Society, February 9, 1872. [London, 1872.

    Card ID: 478

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    Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William)


    HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), BEist. See BAILY (F’.) Journal of a tour in unsettled parts of North Ajperica in 1796 & 1797...With a memoir of the author [by Sir J.F.W. Herschel). London) is6.

    Card ID: 472

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    Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William)


    HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. Telescope. LArticle, signed J.1.W.H., i.e. Sir John F.W.Hersche1, from the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia.] [Edinburgh, 18301. âc IL, J.F.W.

    Card ID: 470

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    Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William)


    HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. Quetelet on probabilities. [Continued.) ELLIS(R.L.) Remarks on an alleged proof of the ‘tMethod. of least squares1, contained in a late number of the Edinburgh Re— view. [i.e. Herschel’s article Quetelet on probabilities”.l [Edinbur, 1850].

    Card ID: 466

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    Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William)


    L?] HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. A List of test objects, principally double stars, arranged in classes, for the trial of telescopes in various respects, as to light, distinctness, &c...Frorn the Memoirs of the Hoal Astronomical Society, Vol. VIII. pp. (2) + b. [De M.] 4°. London printed, 1834.

    Card ID: 449

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    Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William)


    HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. Observations of nebu1e and clusters of stars, made at Slough with a twenty—feet reflector between the years 1825 arid .L833...From the Philoophica1 Tra.nsactions. (Read November 21, 1833. - Appendix.) pp. (2) + 39—5O5. Plates and_. [De M.] 4°. London printed, 1833.

    Card ID: 456

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    Author: HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William)


    HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. Quetelet on probabilities. [A review of his “Lettres...ur la thorie des probabilits appliquée aux sciences morales et politiques”, by Sir J.F.W.Herschel, from the Edinburgh Review, July 1850.] [Edinburgh, 1850). See QUETELET (L.A.J.) Lettres a S.A.R. le Due régnant de Saxe— Cobourg et Gotha, etc.

    Card ID: 465

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    Author: HERSCHEL (k John Frederick William)


    HERSCHEL (k John Frederick William), Bart. Mathematics. [Article, signed .T.F.W.H., i.e. Sir John F.W.Herschel, from the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia.] LEdinburgh, 18301. H., J.F.W.

    Card ID: 451

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    Author: EL (Sir John Frederick William)


    DZ BER But hERSChEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. See B4A1N (GUnther). Joim Herschel: Lebensbild eines Naturforsohers, etc. Stuttgart, 1965.

    Card ID: 473

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    Author: JERSOHEL (Sir John Frederick William)


    JERSOHEL (Sir John Frederick William) Bert. PROCTOR (R.A.) Other sims than ours. • .With.. .correepondenoe vith Sir J. Herschel. London, 188?.

    Card ID: 480

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    Author: EVANS (David Stanley)


    D7 Her EVANS (David Stanley). See HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Bart. Herschel at the Cape: diaries and correspondence of Sir John Herschel, 183k-1838. Edited with an introduction by D.S.Evaris [arid others], etc. Austin and London, 1969.

    Card ID: 289

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    Author: LADNER (Dionysius)


    LADNER (Dionysius). The Cabinet Cyclopaedia, conducted by D,L,ardner. Natural History. HERSCHEL (Sir John Frederick William), Barr. A Preliminary discourse on the study of natuçal philosophy. pp. vii. + 372. {G’. G.J 8°. London, 1832. With a spcd engraved titi jag date&1830,

    Card ID: 152