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HERBERT George a:j john|k:to (john) (186)



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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    Jui( j L1 ‘u)E[He1tcj HERBERT (George), the Poet. ttorks.] The iorks of George Herbert, in prose aM verse. (The Lift of Mr. George Herbert, written by I. Walton. — profa.tory view of the life and virtues of the author, etc. By B. Oley. — The Synagogue. By C. Harvey.) 2 vols. Portrait and frontispiece. [D.-L.I.J 8 . London, l853. [Another edition.] 2 vols. Portrait and frontispiece. 80. London,l89.

    Card ID: 267

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    Yl H52A 83 HERBERT (George), the Poet. [Works.] The Work. of the Rev George Herbert. With renrIcs on. his writirs end a sketch of his life, by William Jerc]irn. pp. 1, 392. Port. London, 1853.

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    STEfL1iiG LlB?JY LJ I fr— (&57’J REFERENCE OILY HERBERT (George), ihePoe.[$ma11er Colleetions.J Herbert’s remains; or, Sundry pieces of,tbat sweetsinger of the Temple, Mr George Herbert, (A prefatory view of the life of Mr. Geo. Herbert, &c. IBY Barnabas Oley.] — Jacula prudentium; or, -Outlandish proverbs, sentences, &c, Selected y Mr George Herbert.) 2 parts in I vol. 12°. Printed [by T.Maxey for T.Grthj.iaIt: pdoi, I62. Thir gre_sprae tit1eoagesjA Dri st to temple’ and ‘Jmi1A pRudentjtm’ tI [SEa NEXT CARD.

    Card ID: 270

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    HERBERT (George), the Pc[Smailer Collections.] Herbert’s renlaiQs, . [Continu.] latter being dated i5i. Irthe secord DP. 71_9 wrory paginated j21—19j. (3

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    (yi1Y7c c&t+3 HERBERT (George), h_Pqet. [Smaller Collections.] The Poetical works of George Herbert. With life, critical dissertation, and explanatory notes by G. Gilfillan. pp. xxviii. + 328. 8°. Edlnburgh, 1853.

    Card ID: 272

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    N’I HS2E 4j HERBERT (George), the Poet. [analler Collections.) The Remains of that sweet Singer of the Temple, George Herbert. [With lives of Herbert by Izask Walton and Barnabas Oley.] pp. x. + cxxiv. + 2A. Frontispiece. 0 8 . London, 18k1. The half—title reeds: The Works of George Herbert. Second edition. Vol. I.

    Card ID: 275

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    -L2C HERBERT (George), t1he Poet.[Srnaller Collections.] The Poems of George Herbert, with an introduction by A.Waugh. (Oxford Edition.) •pp. xxiii. ÷ 327 ÷ (1). Portrait. 8. London, 1913.

    Card ID: 278

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    HERBERT (George), the fet. The Temple. Sacred poems arid private ejaculations. (The Synagogue; or, the Shadow of the Temple. Sacred poems and private ejaculations. In imitation of Mr. George Herbert. By C.Harvey.) pp. xxiii. + 350. Portrait. [S.R.] 8°. Lond9fl, 1844. 3, 2 o jQlceriElg’ sthird edj.tion of G Hezthfrt’s works,

    Card ID: 286

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    Yl H521r 968 HERBERT (George), the Poet, The Temple, 1633. [A Laos imile of the ritish Mu.ieum cow.] (A Scolar Press Fac3imile.) pp. (12) + 192 80. nton, 1968.

    Card ID: 292

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    i HERBERT (George), the Poet. [The Temple. Appendix.] See PATRICK (John Max). The Editor as critic and the critic as editor. Papers read at a Clark Library Seminar, November 13, 1971, by J. Max Patrick and Alan Roper. With an introduction by Murray Krieger. (Critical problems in editing George Herbert’s ‘The Temple’, (By) J. Max Patrick. A Critic’s apology for editing rrryden’s ‘The History of the League’. [By) Alan Roper.) Los Angeles, 1973.

    Card ID: 293

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    Yl fl52Y 973 HERBERT (George), the Poet. [Selections.] George Herbert. Selected by W.H. Auden4 (Poet to Poet.) pp. 134. Harinondsworth, 1973.

    Card ID: 294

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    Author: HERBERT (George)


    L’i) HERBERT (George), the Poet. [Appendix]. The Lire of George Herbert of emerton. [By J.J.Danieli.3 pp. 328. Portrait. 8°. London, 1893.

    Card ID: 295