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HENLEY William Ernest a:e william ernest|k:it (william) (18)



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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    DEPOSLTORY HENLEY (William Ernest). English lyrics, Chaucer to Poe, 1340—1809. Selected and arranged by W.E.Henley. New edition. pp. xiv. + 412. 0 8 . Lonori, 1900.

    Card ID: 140

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    C x) ‘ [/jj HENLEY (William Ernest). Essays: Fielding, Smollett, Hazlitt, Burns, Byro&5 world, ‘Pippin’, Othello, ‘T.LB.’, Old England, Baizac, Hugo. pp. ix + 431 8°. London, 1921.

    Card ID: 141

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    HENLEY (William Ernest). The Song of the sword and other verses. pp. xi. ÷ 101. 0 S . London, 1892. -“-‘7 C1

    Card ID: 146

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    T& tnot to be borrowed] HENLEY (William Ernest). The Tudor translations. Edited by W. E.. Henley. Vols. 1-3. M0NTArGNE (M. do). The Essays of Montaigne done into English by J. Florio, anno 1803. With an introduction by G. Saintsbury. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1892-93.

    Card ID: 148

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    [not to be borrowed) HENLEY (William Ernest). The Tudor translations. Edited by VT. E. Henley. Vol. 5. HELI000RUS, l3ishopof Triooa. An AEthiopian history, written in Greek byHeliodorus, Englished by T. Underdowne anno 1587. With an introduction by 0. Whibley. pp. xxix. + 290. 8. London, 1895.

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    [not to be borrowed] HENLEY (William Ernest). The Tudor translations. Edited by V1. E. Henley. Vol. 6. ROJAS (F. do), of Montalvan. Celestina; or the Tragiake—oomedy of Calisto and Melibea, Englished from the Spanish of F. do Rojas by J. Aabbe, anno 1831. With an introduotion by J. Fitzmaurioe-Kelly. pp. xxxvi. + 287. - 8°. London, 1894.

    Card ID: 151

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    tnot to be borrowed] HENLEY (William Ernest). The Tudor translations. Edited by. W. E. Henley. Vole. 13—16. CERVPTES SAAVEDRA iguel de). The History oD Don Quixote of the Mancha, translated from the Spanish of Miguel do Cervantes by T. Shelton, annis 1612, 1620. With introductions by:J. Fitz maurice-Kelly. 4 vols. 8. London, 1896.

    Card ID: 153

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    [not to be bord HENLEY (William Ernest). Thø Tudor translations. Iditedby W. E. Henley. Vols. 17—18. COMINES (P. do), Seigneur d’Argenton. The History of Comines, Englished by T. Danett, anno 15g6. With an introduction hyO. Whibley. 2 vols. 8°. London, 187.

    Card ID: 154

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    not te rç’red] HENLEY (William Ernest). The Tudor translations. Edited by W. E. Henley. Vols. 19-20. BANELL0 (M.), Bishoi of Aen. Certain tragical disoourses of Bandelló translated into English by 0. Fenton, anrio 1567. With an introduction by R. Langton Douglas. 2 vols. 8°. London, 1898.

    Card ID: 155

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    3 ‘1P%+ tnof to be óöed HENLEY (William Ernest). The Tudor translations. Edited byW. E. Henley. Vol. 23. CASTIGLIONE (B,), Count. The Book of the Courtier from the Italian of Count B. Castiglione, done into English by Sir T. Hohy, a.nno l5l. With an introduotion by W. Raleigh. 8°. London, 1900.

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    £no to be borrowed] HENLEY (William Ernest). The Tudor trans1ation. Edited by W. E4 Henley Vols. 27-32 FROISSART (J..) The Clironiole of Froissart, translated out of Frenoh by Sir J. Bourohier, Lord Berners, aonis 1523-25. With an introduotion by W. Paton Rer. 6 vols. 8°. London, l9Ol—O.

    Card ID: 159

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    Author: HENLEY (William Ernest)


    4xig HENLEY (William Ernest). BLUNT (w.s.) The Poetry of W. blunt. Selected and arranged by W.E. Henley and G. Wndham London, 1898.

    Card ID: 164