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HENDERSON Thomas a:an thomas|k:0398 (6)
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BISHOP, Thomas James Henderson
HENDERSON, Thomas Finlayson
HENDERSON, Thomas Fiayson
HENDERSON, Thomas Pinlayson
Author: HENDERSON (Thomas)
P A :‘t fip, e1— Q HENDERSON (Thomas), astronomer Royal for Scotland. Catalogue of the...scientific and general library of.. .T. Henderson.. .which will be sold by auction by Messrs. C.. B. Táit & Co...on Monday, January 13) t84, and two following days, etc. pp. (4) + 29. (De M.] 80. London, 1845.
Card ID: 543
-: DEPOSIT0RY HENDERSON (Thomas), EDINBURGH. nburich_Aeade. The Edinburgh Academy Begister, . [Edited by T. Henderson and P. F. Ramilton—Grierscn. .1 dinburgh, 1914.
Card ID: 548
Author: BISHOP (Thomas James Henderson)
JNehn wn Bis BISHOP (Thomas James Henderson). Wiichester and the public school elite: a statistical analysis. [zr) T.J.H.Bishop in collaboration vith R.Wilkinson. (Society 7oday and 1morrov.) pp. 263. Plates, charts and tables. 80 • London, 1967.
Card ID: 242
Author: HENDERSON (Thomas Finlayson)
yç I’7 HENDERSON (Thomas Finlayson). A Scots garland: an anthology of Scottish vernacular verse. Edited, with an introductory essay, by T.Henderson. pp.191. Frontispiece. 8°. Edinburi, 1931.
Card ID: 554
Author: HENDERSON (Thomas Fi1ayson)
YL HENDERSON (Thomas Fi1ayson). BURNS (R.), the Poet. The Poetry of Robert Burns. Edited by W.E.Iert].ey and T.F.Hencierson, c&. EdInburgh, 1896—97.
Card ID: 556
Author: HENDERSON (Thomas Pinlayson)
HENDERSON (Thomas Pinlayson). See BURNS (Robert), the Poet. [smaller Collections.] Robert Burns’ poems. Selected and edited with rotes ‘by TJ?.Henderson. Heidelberg, 1906.
Card ID: 557