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HEDLEY Arthur a:by arthur|k:0357 (3)



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    Author: HEDLEY (Arthur)


    HEDLEY (Arthur). Chopin.. .Illustrated. lWith a bibliography.] (The Master Musicians. New series, revised and edited by I.Biom.) pp. viii. + 214. Portraits, plates and facsimiles. 0 8 . London, 1947. jevised edition. Revised by M.J.i.Brown. With eight pages of plates and music examples in the text. pp.viii, 214. London, 1974.

    Card ID: 172

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    Author: MARSHALL (Arthur Hedley)


    RS Mar MARSHALL (Arthur Hedley). Loce2. government in the modern world. • .The Stamp Memor1.l Lecture delivered, before the University of London on 23 November 1965. pp. 28. Bibliographical references and tables. 8°. London, 1965, [Another copy.] c (C. C.

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: OND (Joseph Marnach) sand MARSHALL (Arthur Hedley)


    DEPOS!TQR’r’J DRU1OND (Joseph Marnach) sand MARSHALL (Arthur Hedley). Consolidated loans funds of local authorities. (Administrative Research Series.) pp. 170. Tables. 80. London, 1938.

    Card ID: 484