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HAYWARD Sir John to (john) (6)
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Author: HAYWARD (Sir John)
HAYWARD (Sir John). A Treatise of t.rnion of the two realmes of England and Scotland. By I.H. [i.e. Sir John Hayward.] jondo, 1604. H., I.
Card ID: 357
HAYWARD (Sir John). WILLIAMS (.ir Roger). The Actions of the Lowe Countries. [Edited by Sir J.Hayward.j London, i6i8.
Card ID: 358
çfHr1 rti (‘/c / - HAYWARD (Sir John). The First part of the life and raigne of King Elenrie the 1111., [Continuedj [Another copy.J çpped: the title gage been cut down and mount e ci.
Card ID: 353
Author: No Author available
CJ3.-L.L C’J) Cc C 2. a., I. The First part of the life and ralgne of King Henrie the 1111., etc. [Continued.) —__-- [Another edition.) Londq 1599. See HAYWARD (Sir John).
Card ID: 32
(R)Cc. ‘ 1 H., I. A Tre&tise of vriiori of the two realines of England and Scotland. y I.E. [i.e. Sir John Hayward.] pp. (4) + 58. [D.—r.r,.] 40 Im nted by F.K[ingston] for c.BRLVbieT: London, 1604.
Card ID: 33
C.—L J(’Y - 2 HAYWARD (Sir John). The First part of the life and raigne of King Henrie the 1111., etc. [Continued.) [Another edition.] pp. (8) + 149 + (1). [D.—L.L.] 8°. Tohn Wolfe: London, 1599. In this editiQn the variant readings are: A2. 1.22. T.ucer. Sorae of the *naments differ from those in the preceding edition. p97 is incorrectly numbered 79. [SEE NEXT.CABD.)
Card ID: 352