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HAYLEY William a:if john|k:to (john) (5)
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HAYLEY, William
HAYIEY, William
Y, William
AYLEY, William
Author: HAYLEY (William)
3L-eC HAYLEY (William),D.D., Dean of Chichester. A Sermon [on Ephes.iv.11—12] preachtd in Lambeth—Chapel, at the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God John [Evans], Lord Bishop of Bangor, on Sunday, Jan.4th 1702.. pp. 27. 4. London, 1702. Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. Vol. 3.
Card ID: 182
Author: HAYIEY (William)
HAYIEY (William), . PINDP.1 (P.), jeud. [i.e. J.WOLCOT.1 A Benevolent epistle to Sylvanus Urban, alias Master John Nichols, printer.,. not forgetting Master William Hayley, etc. Dublil1, 1790.
Card ID: 201
Author: Y (William)
r A (CvI1y/b_L S HAYLiY (William), Epistle toa friend [in verse], on the death of J. the author of “An Epistle to a.ri eminent painter1’ [. Hayley], etc. London, 1780. See THORNTON (John), g.
Card ID: 183
Author: AYLEY (William)
YL c78a She I{AYLEY (William), Eq.. S., t.T. A Tribute to the memory of William Cowper, author of ‘The Task and. other poems, occasioned by the perusal of his works, and Hayley’s Memoirs of his life. (In verse.] By I.T.S. [i.e. John Ta1irin Sheweil], etc. (Second edition.) Ipawich, 1808.
Card ID: 202
Author: PINDAR (Peter)
C -i1’) 8cLP’&c”ci PINDAR (Peter), pseud. [i.e. John WOLCOT.] A Benevolent epistle to Syivanus Urban, alias MasIer John Nichols, printer...not forgetting Master William Hayley. To which is added, an Elegy to Apollo, also, Sir Joseph Banks and the boiled fleas, an. ode. pp. 32. [S.R.) 8°. Dubiii, 1790. Bound with: peer?sprohecy,
Card ID: 121