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HAYLEY, William
Author: HAYLEY (William)
3L-eC HAYLEY (William),D.D., Dean of Chichester. A Sermon [on Ephes.iv.11—12] preachtd in Lambeth—Chapel, at the consecration of the Right Reverend Father in God John [Evans], Lord Bishop of Bangor, on Sunday, Jan.4th 1702.. pp. 27. 4. London, 1702. Bound in a volume lettered: Sermons. Vol. 3.
Card ID: 182
c-7lF HAYLEY (William), . [The Life and ietters of William Cowper.j The works df William Cowper. (Vole. 1—5.) His life and letters by \V.Hayley, now first completed by the introduction of Cowper’s private correspondence. Edited by T.S.Grirnshawe. London, 1835. See COWPER (William), the Poet. [Works.] /
Card ID: 189
HAYLEY (William), acL. The Life of which are added conjectures on the origin of Paradise lost. With an appendix (containing. extracts from the Adaino of .ndreini. ‘.Vith an analysis of another Italian drama on the sane subject [Translated by W. Cowper and W.Hayl.ey.]). pp. xxiii. + 32. I 40 1796.
Card ID: 191
L (-i’pu HAYLEY (William), 0 V The Triumphs of temper: a poem in six cantos... The eleventh edition, corrected. pp. xii. + 164. Plates. 80. London, 1801.
Card ID: 197