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HAYEK Friedrich August von a:e henry|k:on (e) (3)
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HAYEK, Friedrich August von
Author: HAYEK (Friedrich August von)
HAYEK (Friedrich August von). Collectivist economic planning: critical studies on the possibilities of socialism by N.G.Pierson, L.von Mises, G.Hairn, and E.Barone. Edited,with an introduction and a cone1udin essay by F.A.von Hayek. [With a bibliography.] pp. v. + (i) + 293+ (i). 8°. London, 1938.
Card ID: 97
DEPOSITOPW HAYEK (Friedrich August von). Toward liberty: essays in honor of Ludwig von j.jises on the occasion of his )th birthday, Septetsber 29, 1971. [r various authors.) Sponsoring Comittee: F.A. von flayek, Henry Hazlitt, Leonard E. Read, Gustavo R. Velasco, F.A. Harper. (Third printing.,) Menlo Park, Calif., 1973. MISFS (udwig von). [Appendix.)
Card ID: 103
DEPOSITORY HAYEK (Friedrich August von). See DUNDEE. School of Economica. iooiomic esstys, . pp.’ 51—62. (Profssor Ha k’sooflt’ritutión’ to .trude c,yc1e theory. ‘By. f.C.Gi1bert.) iDuncleei, 1955.
Card ID: 105