HAVIARAS (Stratis)
Music Library
C2 - c7
Reference only
HAVIARAS (Stratis). fSound Recordings.)
The Poet’s voice: poets reading aloud and comnentirig upon their works. TS. Eliot, John Berrynn, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, ?rianne Moore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Roethke, W.H. Auden, Randall Jarreil, William Carlos Willian, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frosts Selected and edited by Stratis Havisras. 6 sound cassettes (36o mins,) and a 10-page booklet with introductory notes,
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
These cassettes may be heard in the Music Library.
Card ID:
EIL (Robert Traili Spence)
4sic Library C2 - c7 Reference on]y
LO7EIL (Robert Traili Spence). [Sound Recordings.) See HAVIAIiAS (Stratis). [Sound Recordings. I
The Poet’s voice: poets reedig aloud and conznenting upon their works. I’.S. Eliot, John Berrynn, Ezra Pound, Robert Lvell, Marianne Moore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Roethke, W.1I. Auden, Randall Jarreil, William Cerlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Prost, Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaras. Cassette 6.
Caithridge, I’ss.: Harvard University Press.
Card ID:
P(XJNT) (Ezra Loomis)
Music Librarr
C2 - Ci
Reference only
P(XJNT) (Ezra Loomis). [Sound Recordings. }
See HAVIARAS (Stratis). [Sound Recordings.]
The Poet’s voice: poets reading aloud and cozimenting upon their works. TS. Eliot, John Berryman, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, Marianne l400re, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Roethke, W.H. Auden, Randall Jarrell, William Carlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost • Selected nd edited by Stratis Haviaras. Cassette 1.
Cambridge, Harvard Universitzy Press.
Card ID:
No Author available
Music Library
C2 - C7
Reference only
FFO&r (Robert). [Sound Recordings. I
See ItAVIARAS (Stratis). f Sound Reccxrdin€s.)
The Poet’s voice: poets reading aloud and connenting upon their works. T.S. Eliot, John Berrymen, Ezra Pound, Robert LoeU, trianne )4ore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Roethke, WJ. Auden, Randall Jarrell, William Carlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Prost. Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaras, Cassette 3.
Cambridge, !.: Harvard University Press.
Card ID:
AUDEN (Wystan Rugh)
Music Library
C2 - C7
Reference only
AUDEN (Wystan Rugh). [Sound Recordings.]
See MAVIARAS (Stratis). tSound Recordings.]
The Poet’s voice: poets reading aloud and coninenting upon their works. TS. Eliot, John Berrymen, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, brisnne Zore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Eoethke, W.H. Auden, Randall Jarreil, William Carlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost. Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaras • Cassette .
Cambridge, ss.: Harvard University Press.
Card ID:
RRELL (Randall)
Music Library
C2 - C7
Reference only
JiRRELL (Randall). Lsound Recordings. J
See HAVIRRAS (Stratis). [Sound Recordings.]
The Poet’s voice: poets reeiling aloud and cozenting upon their works • T.S. liot, John Berryuan, Ezra. Pound, Robert Lowell, )riamae 1bore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Roethke, W.H. Auden, Randall Jarrell, William Canoe Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frosts Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaras. Cassette 5.
Cambridge, ss.: Harvard University Press.
Card ID:
STEVENS (Wallace)
Music Library
C2 - Cl
Reference only
STEVENS (Wallace). [Sound Recordings.].
See HAVIARAS (Stratis). [Sound Recordings.]
The Poet’s voices poets reading aloud and comnenting upon their works. T.S. Eliot, John Berrynn, Ezra Pound., Robert Imell, rianne )bore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore Roethke, Wil. Auden, Randall Jarreil, William Carlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost. Selected and edited by Stratis Itavieras • Cassette 3.
Caxribrie, ‘bss • Harvard University Press.
Card ID:
WILLIAMS (Wilhiara Carlos)
isic Library
C2 - c7
Reference only
WILLIAMS (Wilhiara Carlos) • [Sound RecordingB.) See HAVIdRAS (Stratis). [Soimd Recordings.)
The Poetts voice: poets reading aloud end conmenting upon their works. T.S, Eliot, John Berrynn, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, Zrierine MDore, Robinson Jeffers, Wailace Stevens, Theo&re Roethke, W.H. Auden, Randall Jarreil, William Cerlos Williams, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frosts Selected and e&ited by Stratis Haviaras. Cassette 2,
Cambridge, Iss.: Harvard TJniversi-tr Press.
Card ID:
No Author available
Music Library
C2 — Cl
Reference only
PLATh (Sylvia). [Sound Recordings.]
See T{VtARAS (Stratis). ESound Recordings.]
The Poet’s voice: poets reading aloud arid cc*nenting upon their works. T.S. Eliot, John Berryin, Ezra Pound, Robert Lowell, Marianne Moore, Robinson Jeffers, Wallace Stevens, Theodore ROethke, W.H. Auden, Randall Jarrell, William Cer]os Willian, Sylvia Plath, Robert Frost. Selected and edited by Stratis Haviaras Cassette 6.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Card ID: