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HAVEN CONNECTICUT a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (4)
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P VJ NEW HAVEN (CONNECTICUT). Yale University. Deartent of Mthropology. Yale University publications in anthrooology. 40. HONIG!ANi (John Joseph). Culture and ethos of lCasia society. [with a bibliography.] pp. 365 + (5). Plates, naps, diagrams and tab1e.. 8. ew F!aven and London, 1949.
Card ID: 209
NEW HAVEN (CONNECTICUT) Yale University. Yale studies in the history of sôience and medicine. [Continued.] ti 3. KETT (Joseph F.) The Formation of the American medical profession: the role of institutions, 1780—1860. 4. RUTHERFORD (Ernest), st Baron Rut herford.iLdkic.] Rutherford and BoJ.twood: letters on radioactivity. Edited by L. Badash. 1969. 5. LYELL (Sir Charles), Bart. Sir Chir1es Lyell’s scientific journals on the species question. ‘ Edited by L.G.11i].uon. 1970. [sEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 196
Author: JOHNSON (Samuel)
PSKIi JOI{ EU JOHNSON (Samuel), D.t., President of King’s College, New York. See ELLIS (Joseph John). The New England mind in transition: Samuel Johnson of Connecticut, 1696-1772. New Haven and London, 1973.
Card ID: 6
Author: No Author available
Bs. 4. BOLTON (Joseph Sheldon Gerry). See NEW HAVEN (CONNECTICUT). IQiizcnifl• Yale btudies in F1iglish. 79. Melanthe: a Latin pastoral play of the early seventeenth century. Written by S.Brooke. Edited, with a biographical introduction by J.b.G.Bolton, &ts• New_Haven and London, 192t$.
Card ID: 100