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HAUGE Hans Egil a (hans) (2)
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HAUGE, Hans Egil
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Author: HAUGE (Hans Egil)
Hau HAUGE (Hans Egil). Levande begravd efler brand i nordisk folkmedicin: en studie i offer och nagi. [With a swnnry in En1ish. Thesis: University of Stockholm.] (Acta tinivers itatis Stockholniiens is • Stockholm Studies in Coriarative Religion, b.) pp. 165. Bibliography and naps. 3°. Stockholm, 1965.
Card ID: 184
Author: No Author available
STOCKHOLM. Stocichoims Hgskola. Stockhola studies in comparative religion. [Continued.] 5. JOHansONS (Andrejs). Der Schirmherr des Hofes im Volksglauben der Letten: stuaienT. tfber Orts.-, Hof-. und Hauageiater. 19624. 6. HAUGE (Hans Egil). Levande begravd eller br&id i nordisk fo].kmedicin: en studie 1. offer och magi. 1965. [si NEC! CARD.]
Card ID: 392