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HATCH William Henry Paine a:on william|k:it (william) (6)
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HATCH, William Henry Paine
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EDMUNDS, Charles Carroll
Author: HATCH (William Henry Paine)
Pahcrapiy HATCH (William Henry Paine). — See CAMBRIDGE (MASSACHUsETTs). Harvard Univej. Harvard theological studies. 4. E])2LUtIDS (charles C.) and HATCH (William H.P.) The Gospel manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary. f(s-J Cambridge,and 191S.
Card ID: 448
Author: No Author available
Pa1o., HATCH (William Henry Paine). The Principal uncial manuscripts of the New Testament [with a bibliography.j pp. Xi’,. + 33 + (3) + LXXVI plates. 0 4 . Chica, 1939.
Card ID: 446
CC26. 6[Hatch) HATCH (William Henry Paine). Greek and Syrian miniatures in Jerusalem. With an introducticn and a description of each of the seventy—one miniatures reproduced. (The Kediaeval Academy of America. Publication 6.) pp. xiii, 136. Cambridge, 14ac.., 1931. No. 407 of 750 copien printed.
Card ID: 445
Pa1&ograpiy C C2. —‘ Room CAMBBIDGE (14ASSACHUSFTTs). Harvard Universt Harvard theological studies. 4. EDMUNDS (Charles Carroll) and HATCH (William Henry Paine). The Gospel manuscripts of the General Theological Seminary. pp. (2) + 68. Facsimiles. 8°. Cambridgand Lonìdon, 1918.
Card ID: 148
Author: EDMUNDS (Charles Carroll)
Pahography V Room V — EDMUNDS (Charles Carroll) and HATCH (William Henry Paine). The Gospel manuscripts of the Genera]. Theological Seminary. Cambrideand ndon, ],918. See CAMBRIDGE (IiIASsACHUSETTS). Harvard Unier si. Harvard theological studies, 4.
Card ID: 300
CAH3RIDE (MASSACHUSETTS). Mediacval Acadeay of America. Pub1jcation. [Continued.] 4. CICERO (Marcus Tullius). [Dc Oratore. — Latin.] Lupus of Ferz’irca as scribe and text critic: a study of his autograph copy of Cicerots De oratore” by CJL.Bee5on. With a facsimile of tie manuscript. 1930. 5. BtRNE (Hugene Hugh). Genoese shipping in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. 1930, 6. HATCH (William Henry Paine). Greek and Syrian miniatures in Jerusalcm. With an introduction and a description of each of the seventy—one miniatures reproduced. 1931. Cssi rx CARD.]
Card ID: 315