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HARVEY Gabriel a:on robert|k:an (robert) (4)
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HARVEY, Gabriel
E, Robert
Author: HARVEY (Gabriel)
HARVEY (Gabriel). See BLOOMINGTON (INDIANA). Indiana University. Indiana University studies, etc. Vol.XVIII. 93. Robert Greene and the Brveys. By C. Sanders. B1oominton, 1931.
Card ID: 249
YG H3G HARVEY (Gabriel). Four letters, and certain sonnets (especially touching Robert Greene and other parties by him abused). 1592. CFacsimile of the copy in the Bod].eian Library.] (A Scolar Press pp. 75. 80. Meriston, 1969.
Card ID: 235
HARVEY (Gabriel). Foure letters, and certaine sonnets, especially touching Robert Greene, and other parties by him abused, etc. [With an iritrodu.ction signed: J.P.C., i.e. J. Payne Collier.) pp.Ii..รท 81. London, 1592 [reprinted 1870]. See COLLIER (John P.) [Reprints of miscellaneous tracts.) Vol.1. -
Card ID: 234
Author: E (Robert)
YG H3G GRE4E (Robert), the Poet. See HARVEY (Gabriel). Four letters, and certain sonnets (especially touching Robert Greene and other parties by him abused). 1592. fFacsimile of the copy in the Bodleian Libraryj 80. Menston, 1969.
Card ID: 182