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HARTOG Sir Philip Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (6)
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HARTOG, Sir Philip Joseph
HARTOG, Sir Philip Joseph and RHODES, Edmund Cecil
RARIOG, Sir Philip Joseph
FLARTOG, r Philip Joseph
Author: HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph)
HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph). A Conpectus of examina.tions in Great, Britain and Northern Ireland. By Sir P.Hartog with the assitanoe of G.Roberts. (International Instjt,ute Examinations Euir.fpp. xiv. + 182. 8. London, 193].
Card ID: 28
72 HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph). Address delivered at a neeting of the court of the University of Dacca, on November 25th, 1925, etc. Dacca, 1926. See DACCA. University of Dacca.
Card ID: 25
DEPOSJTOR’t HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph), K.BJ. Words in action: the teaching of the mother tongue for the training of citizens in a democracy. pp. xv. + 275. 0’ 8 . Lpnson, 1947.
Card ID: 42
Author: HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph) and RHODES (Edmund Cecil)
‘ rFv 4 HARTOG (Sir Philip Joseph) and RHODES (Edmund Cecil). An Examination of examinations: being a summary of investigations on the comparison of marks allotted to examination scripts by independent examiners and boards of examiners, together with a section on a viva voce examination. (International Institute Examinations Enquiry.) pp 81. Tables. 0 B . London, 1935.
Card ID: 46
Author: RARIOG (Sir Philip Joseph)
iR RARIOG (Sir Philip Joseph). $ee 1iARTOG (tabel H.), LEad. P.J. Hartog: a nienioir, . don, 1949.
Card ID: 45
Author: FLARTOG (r Philip Joseph)
: OEp’OZITORt’ FLARTOG (r Philip Joseph). 1 The Purposes of examinations’: a symposium. f By various authors..] With an introductory survey by Sir. P. Hartog. Reprinted from the Year Book of Education. pp. 146. 8°. London, f 1938]. - —
Card ID: 37