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HARTLEY Sir Percival a:p •t|k:p (will) (2)
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HARTLEY, Sir Percival
HARTLEY, Sir Percival Horton—Smith
Author: HARTLEY (Sir Percival)
1C T\i HARTLEY (Sir Percival). A Study of dipIt1ria in two areas of Great Britain with special reference to the antitoxin Concentration of the serum of inoculated and non—inoculated patients and other persons, and the relation of this to the incidence, type and severity of the disease. By P. Hartley (and others], tc. London, 1950. See ENGLAND. Deartrnents of tate and Official bodies Privy Council. Medical Research ouncij. Specia] eport series. No.272.
Card ID: 438
Author: HARTLEY (Sir Percival Horton—Smith)
i oEPOsrfoP’ HARTLEY (Sir Percival Horton—Smith). An Inquiry into the after—histories of patients treated at the Brompton Hospital Sanatorium at Frimley during the years 1905—1914. By P. H. S. Hartley land others]. ondon, 1924. See ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Privy Council. Medical Researc1 Council. Special report series. No.85.
Card ID: 439