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HART John to (john) (34)



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    Author: HART (John)


    WDO Har HART (John), Cester Herald. An Orthographic, 1569. [csImi1e reprint of a copy in the possession of the editor.] (Soolar Press Facsimile.) pp. (12), ff. 57, pp. (12) 1iton, 1969.

    Card ID: 239

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    Author: HART (John)


    HART (John), Chester Herald. Works on English orthography and pronunciation, 1551, 1569, 1570...[Edited] by B. Danielsson. [With a bibliography.] (Stockholm Studies in Enlisb, 5, ii.) 2 vo].s. I].lustrations, facsini1es and tables. 8. Stockholri, 1955—63. 1. Biographical and bibliographical ‘°‘‘ introductions. Texts and index verbortim. 2. Phonology.

    Card ID: 240

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    Author: HART (John Fraser)


    HART (John Fraser). The British moorlands: a problem in land utilization. (University ot Georgia Monrahs, 2.) pp. viii. + 98. Nays and diagram. 8°. Athens.., 1955.

    Card ID: 243

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    Author: HART (John Henry Arthur)


    HART (John Henry Arthur). See BIBLL Apocrypha. Eccle8iasticus. [Greek.) Ecciesiasticus: the Greek text of Codex 248. Edited with a textual commentary and prolegomena by J.H.AHart. Caubrid, 1909.

    Card ID: 245

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    Author: HART (John irancis)


    HART (John irancis). Cestoda from fishes of Puget Sound. [Lancaster. Pa., printed,] 1936. See SEATTLE (WASHINGTON). University of Washing to. University of Washington publications in oceanography. Supplementary Series. No. 53, 55, 59.

    Card ID: 242

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    Author: HART (John Henrr Arthur)


    L€PQflORY HART (John Henrr Arthur). The Hope of Cathoiiok Judaism: essay:o’ards orientation. (Studies In the 11isorj ad Dootrne of Judaisrn and istia1 pp. xiv’. +l6. 1:-H, C] 80.OxIord id Lnd, 1910.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: HART (James)


    HART (James). - The Ordinance making powers of the president of the United States. Baltimore. 1925. See BALTflORE. ohis Hopks University. John& Hopkins’. ni4rsity’ studies in historical and olttica1 science. &eies43 No-. 3.

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: COLLINS (Horatio John) and HART (Cecil Augustus)


    DEPbSITbRY COLLINS (Horatio John) and HART (Cecil Augustus). principles of road engineering. [With bibliographies.) (The Roadmakers’ Library. Vol. 6.) pp. xv. + (1) + 62& Illustrations, map, diagrams. tables and. folded plates. 8°. London, 1936.

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: STEIN (Harry Hart)


    33 NHK Har STEIN (Harry Hart). See HARRISON (John M.) and STEIN (Harry Hart). Muckraking: past, present and future. [By various authors. I Edited by John M. Harrison and Harry H. Stein. University Park, [Pa.], and London, 1973.

    Card ID: 349

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    Author: HART (Teresa Anne)


    : HART (Teresa Anne). The Hesychast Controversy, with special reference to the Byzantina historia of Nicephorus Gregoras and the Bistoria of John Cantacuzenus. (Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of M.A. of the University of London in 1949. With a bibliography.) (1) + 2 + 175 + (1) + vii. leaves. - 40 1949.

    Card ID: 257

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    NEA liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American nation, etc. [Continued.] 21. Outcome of the Civil War, 1663-1865. By James Kendall Hosmer. [1907.] 22. Reconstruction, political and economic, 1865—1877. By William Archibald Dunning. [1907.] 23. National development, 1677—1865. By Edwin Erie Sparks. [19o7.J 24. National problems, 1885—1897. By Davis Rich Dewey. [l907.J 25. America as a world power, 1897-1907. By John Holladay Latan& [1907.j 26. National ideals, historically traced, 1607—1907. By Albert Bushnell Hart. [By 1907.j [SEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 135

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    NEA liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American nation, etc. [Continued.J 10. The Confederation and the constitution, 1783-1789. By Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin. [1905.] 11. The Federalist system, 1789—1801. By John Spencer Bassett. 19O6.j [Another copy.j IFC 12. The Jeffersonian system, 1801—1811. By Edward Channing. [1906.] 13. The Rise of American nationality, 1811—1819. By Kendric Charles Babcock. [1906.] 14. Rise of the New /est, 1819-1829. By Frederick Jackson Turner. 11906.] (Reprinted.) 1961. f4AA [si NEx’ CARD.]

    Card ID: 133