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HART Albert Bushnell a:e or|k:on (e) (8)



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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    Nfl liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American nation: a history from original sources by associated scholars. Edited by Albert Bushnell Hart, advised by various historical societies. 28 vols. Plates and maps. New York and London, [19044918). 1. European background of American history, 1300-1600. By Edward Potts Cheyney. [1904.] 2. Basis of American history, 1500—1900. By Livingston Farrand. [1904.j 3. Spain in America, 1450-1580. By Edward Gaylord Bourne, [.1904.] [Another edition.] With new introduction and supplementary bibP Benjamin Keen . 1962. [s NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 131

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    KEA liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American Nation, etc. [Continued.j 4. England in America, 1580-1652. By Lyon Gardiner Tyler. 11904.J 5. Colonial self-government, 1652—1689. By Charles McLean Andrews. [1904.j 6. Provincial America 1690-1740. By Evarts Bote1l Creene. [1905.] (Reprinted.) (American Classics Series.) 1964. 33 NbA 7. France in America, 1497—1763. By Reuben Cold Thwaites. [l905.J 8. Preliminaries of the revolution, 1703-1775. By George Elliott Howard. [1905.] 9. The American revolution, 1776—1783. By Claude I-Ials tead van Pyne r1ofl 1 [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 132

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    NEA liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American nation, etc. [Continued.J 10. The Confederation and the constitution, 1783-1789. By Andrew Cunningham McLaughlin. [1905.] 11. The Federalist system, 1789—1801. By John Spencer Bassett. 19O6.j [Another copy.j IFC 12. The Jeffersonian system, 1801—1811. By Edward Channing. [1906.] 13. The Rise of American nationality, 1811—1819. By Kendric Charles Babcock. [1906.] 14. Rise of the New /est, 1819-1829. By Frederick Jackson Turner. 11906.] (Reprinted.) 1961. f4AA [si NEx’ CARD.]

    Card ID: 133

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    NEA liar HART (Albert Bushnell). The American nation, etc. [Continued.] 21. Outcome of the Civil War, 1663-1865. By James Kendall Hosmer. [1907.] 22. Reconstruction, political and economic, 1865—1877. By William Archibald Dunning. [1907.] 23. National development, 1677—1865. By Edwin Erie Sparks. [19o7.J 24. National problems, 1885—1897. By Davis Rich Dewey. [l907.J 25. America as a world power, 1897-1907. By John Holladay Latan& [1907.j 26. National ideals, historically traced, 1607—1907. By Albert Bushnell Hart. [By 1907.j [SEE NEXT CARD.J

    Card ID: 135

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    HART (Albert Bushnell). National idea.le historioally traoe, 1607-190?. New York and London, [190?.] See supra: The American nation, etc. 1101.26.

    Card ID: 138

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    HART (Albert Bushnell). Slavery and. abolition, 1831—1841. New York and. Iondon, 11906.2 See supra: The American nation, etc. Vol.16.

    Card ID: 139

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    NEA Har HART (Albert Bushnell). Social end economic forces in American history. [By various authors. 1 From “The American nation: a history”. Edited by A.B. Hart. pp. 523. New York and London, 1913.

    Card ID: 140

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    Author: HART (Albert Bushnell)


    HART (Albert Bushnell). CHANNING (E.) Guide to the study and reading of’ American history. By LChanning, V A.B.Hart, . Boston, ‘[Mass.], 1912.

    Card ID: 141