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HARRISON Jane Ellen a:p |k:p (will) (6)
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HARRISON, Jane Ellen
Author: HARRISON (Jane Ellen)
HARRISON (Jane Ellen). Aspeots, aorists end the classical tripos. pp. 36. O Cambridge, 1919.
Card ID: 593
0POS1TORY HARRISON (Jane Ellen). Heresy and humanity: an address delivered beeore the t’Heretics’ Society in Caznbridge, on the 7th December,. 1909. pp. l. g0• London, 1911.
Card ID: 594
HARRISON (Jane Ellen). !1ytba o Greece and Rome. [With a biblio— grapbr.) (Bezin’s SixpenntLibrary, flo.59.) pp • 79. 16g. LoMon, [1928.]
Card ID: 596
DEPOS1TOR’f’ HARRISON (Jane Ellen). Primitive Athens as described by Thucydides. [Icitli a bibliography.] p. xii. + 168. Front ipiec, iJustratpns, ap and ptips. 80. uhricg., 1906.
Card ID: 597
HARRISON (Jane Ellen). The Religion of ancient Greece. LWitn a bibliography.J (Relions, Anciert ajd Moderx.) pp. 66. [S.R.J 8°. London, 1921.
Card ID: 599
ñ94- HARRISON (Jane Ellen). See AVILAKUM, Protopop. The Life of the archpriest Avvakum by himself, Translated froni the seventeenth century Russianby J.Harrison and H.Mirrlees, c. London, 1924.
Card ID: 602