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HARRIS George a:be george|k:0208 (7)
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HARRIS, George
HARRIS, Geoffrey George
HARRIS, George Lawrence
HARRIS, George William
HARRIS, Keith George Elliott
HEAIEY, George Harris
Author: HARRIS (George)
HARRIS (George), Banistr—at-.L4yg. • [i a0jiii byDr. B.W. Richardson. [Printed fbi’ private circulation] i, •c....L._.1 I.eíndon,188t Svo.1
Card ID: 127
HARRIS (George), LL.D., pfQrie1 co11ege. Oxford. HOME, pire of. [Emperors.] JUSTINIAN I., peror of the East. [527—565.] INSTITUTIONES. t1iT The History of Ainmianus Mareellinus... The Four books of Justiriian’s Institutes of the Roman law. (Translated into English by G. Harris). Lo.dQr, 1814.
Card ID: 129
Author: HARRIS (Geoffrey George)
UKV3e Har HARRIS (Geoffrey George). The Trinity House of Deptford, 15111_ 1660. (Universitjrof_Londn HstoricaTh W.) pp. 310. London, 1969.
Card ID: 126
Author: HARRIS (George Lawrence)
ORr H Lt-r HARRIS (George Lawrence). Jordan: its people, its society, its culture. By] G.L.Harris, in collaboration with various authors], etc. [With a bibliography.] Survey of World Cultures, 2.) pp. (10) + 246. Ma and tables. 80. Nw Haven, foonri.], 1958.
Card ID: 132
Author: HARRIS (George William)
(4 HARRIS (George William), Scenic Artist. George W.Harris. [44 plates reproducing works by the artist, with introductory matter by St.J.Ervine, B.Dean and L.Abercrombie.] pp.22. Portrait. 40• London, 1930. No. 289 of an edition of 42 copies.
Card ID: 133
Author: HARRIS (Keith George Elliott)
63 Bibliographie8 MWS2 Bra Reforence only HARRIS (Keith George Elliott). Catalogue of the (Bradford Historical and Antiquarian Society) library. Compiled by K.GE. Harris. [New edition.J [Bradfo], 1957. See BRADFORD. Bradford Historical and Anti— uarian Societi.
Card ID: 267
Author: HEAIEY (George Harris)
ir8rmp 972 HEAIEY (George Harris). woRDsworII (william). Wordsworth’s Pocket notebook. Edited iiith cctnrmentary, by George Harris Healey. [A reprint of the edition of l912). Port Washington, N.Y. and London, 1972.
Card ID: 155