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Author: HARINGTON (Sir John)
HARINGTON (Sir John). The Dyet for every da’y (on rising, diet and going to bed), from Sir John Uaringtoats ‘Sohoole of Salerne’. 2nd part. See LONL)ON. Ear).y Englis Text rpuhlioat2.onsi. Original Series. 32. The Babees book, . pp. 254-259. London, 1868.
Card ID: 494
I47L HARINGTON (Sir John). [The Metamorphosis of Ajax.] Sir John Harington’s A New discourse of a st.le subject, called the metamorphosis of Ajax. A critical annotated edition by E.S.Domio. [with bibliographical ref erencee.J pp. xi. + 278. Facsimiles, diagratne and tables. 3°. ‘ondon, 1962.
Card ID: 499
HARINGTON (Sir John). A Tract on the succession to the Crown, A.D. 1602.. .Printed. . .frorn a manuscript... and C. R. Markham. London, 1880. See L0JD0N. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, ] floxburghe Club. [Pub1icatios, no. 106, 107.1
Card ID: 502
HARINGTON (Sir John). See ARIOSTO (Lodovico). [Orlando Furioso. —Engli. Orlando Furioso in English heroical verse. By I.Haringt. [London, 1591). Re L] 4sC Now thirdly revised arrd amended°’) with the addition of the author’s Li.e. Sir John Harington’s] Epigrams. London, 16314. (Another edition.] Sir John Harini translation of Orlando F’urioso...Edited and i rniut by G.Hougb. [London], 1962.
Card ID: 503
- HARINGTON (Sir John). See ARUNDEL CASTLE. The Arundel Harington manuscript of Tudor poetry. [A collection originally made by John Harington of ICeiston and his son, Sir John Harington.J Edited by R. Hughey. Columbus, Phio, 1960.
Card ID: 504
HARINGTON (Sir John). q t) See SALERNO. Schola Salernitana. (Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum.] The School of Salernum. Regimen sanitatis salernitanum. The English version by Sir John Harington. History of the school of Sale mum by F. R . Packard, and a note on the prehistory of te Regimen sanitatis by F.H.Garrison. New York, 192O
Card ID: 508