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HARDY Evelyn a:on emma|k:on (emma) (4)
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HARDY, Evelyn
HARDY, Emma Lavinia
HARDY, Thomas
GITTINGS, Robert William Victor
Author: HARDY (Evelyn)
yo I-I9o HARDY (Evelyn). 11 See HARDY (Emma I,avinia). Some recollections, by Emma Hardy, Thomas Hardy’s L’irst wife. With notes by Evelyn Hardy. Together with some relevant poems by Thomas Hardy, with notes by R. Gittings. Jointly edited by E. Hardy and R. Gittinga. London, 1961. (Completely revised edition.) Some recollections, by Emma flardy, Thomas Hardy’s first wife. With an introduction by Robert Gittings. Poether with some relevant poems by Robert iardy,. Edited by Evelyn Hardy and obert Gittings. Oxford1 1979.
Card ID: 59
Author: HARDY (Emma Lavinia)
Yo H26a Mar HARDY (Emma Lavinia). Some reoolleotions, by Emma Hardy, Thomas Hardy’s first wife. With notes by Evelyn Hardy. Together with sonie relevant poems by Thomas Hardy, with notes by R. Gittings. Jointly edited by E.Hardy and li. Gittinge. pp. xv. + 91. Portraits, plates and facsimiles. 8°. London, 1961. CSE1 NJXT CARD.]
Card ID: 49
Author: HARDY (Thomas)
HARDY (Thomas), the Novelist. [Appendix.] Some recollections, by Emma Hardy, Thomas Hardy’s first wife. With notes by Evelyn Hardy. Together with some relevant poems by Thomas Hardy, with notes by R. Gittings. Jointly edited by E. Hardy and R. Gittings. London, 1961. (Completely reviáed edition.) Some recollections, by - Emma Hardy, Thomas Hardy’s first wife. With an introduction by Robert Gttings. Together with some relevant poems by Thomas Hardy. Edited by Evelyn Hardy and Robert Gittings. Oxford, 1979. See HARDY (Emma Lavinia). :•• -. S -
Card ID: 192
Author: GITTINGS (Robert William Victor)
GITTINGS (Robert William Victor). See HARDY (rnma Lavinia). Some recollections, by Emma. Hardy, Thomas Hardy’s first wife... Together with some relevant poems by Thomas Hardy, with notes by R. Gittings. Jointly edited by E. Hardy and R. Gittings. London, 1961. (Completely revised edition.) Some recollections by Emma Hardy1 Thomas !ardy’s first wife. With an introduction by Robert Gittings. Together with some relevant poems by Thomas Hardy. Edited by Evelyn Hardy and Robert Gittins. )xford, 1979.
Card ID: 498