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HARDING Peter a:an peter|k:is (peter) (6)



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    Author: HARDING (Peter)


    Cs:) f$c:4rtJ HARDING (Peter). The Corner of Harley Street: being some familiar corresondence of Peter Harding, M.D. iBy H.H.Bashford.] pp. 271. 8°. London, 1911.

    Card ID: 409

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    Author: HJD (Marc) and MEYER (Harding)


    poU Lie LIE2’HJD (Marc) and MEYER (Harding). kurneniache Perspektiven, etc. (Continued.] 3. Lutherturn und Katholjzisrnus im Gesprch: Ergebnisse und Stand der katholiscl’./lutherischen Dialoge in den USA ‘und auf Welteene. ((By] Harding Meyer.) 1973. 4. Gott uzid Gottesdienst. Kit Beitrigen von Viliuos Vajta, Martin Seila, Peter 5.11. Selby, Jean-iarre Joaaua ‘und Heiner Hoffrarrn. 1973. 5. Jesus: KoxiIrontation und Gemeinschft. Mit Beitrigen von Martin E. Narty1 Adriaan Geene, Vilmos Vajta. Hit Texten von Karl 1ahner, ians Kiing, Roger Garaudy u. anderen. 1974. ESE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 194

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    Author: BASHFORD (Henry Howard)


    BASHFORD (Henry Howard). The Corner of Harley Street: being some familiar correspondence of Rater Harding, M.D. London, 1911. See HARDING (Peter).

    Card ID: 525

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    Author: No Author available


    Di fr(. - 6, HARDING (George Perfect). *tc r MOULE (Thomas). Antiquities in Westminster Abbey. Ancient oil paintings and sepulchral brasses in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster, engraved front drawings by 0. P. Harding, etc. London, 1325.

    Card ID: 372

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    Author: No Author available


    [pca.j FIRTH ( Chir1es Harding). In Memoriam: Peter IKe Brown. [Signed.: C.H. Firt,h.] [With a bib1iographi.J (Scottish Historical Review. Vol. 16, No. 62J pp. 13—1b1. Portrait. 0 8 . IGlasgow, 1919.] .1oued from he caption.

    Card ID: 190

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    Author: No Author available


    1:. 1 CWLS JL.1 AI-6. MOULE (Thomas). WV0 tc4i f-iU Aritiquities in Westrainster Abbey. Ancient oil paintings and sepulchral brasses in the Abbey Church of St. Peter, Westminster, engraved from drawings by G. P. Harding, with an historical, biographical and heraldic description by T. Moule. pp. (6) + ii. + 44 + (4). L.P. fol. London, 1825.

    Card ID: 51