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HARCOURT Robert on (robert) (7)
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SWIFT, Charles Robert
SCHILLER, Johann Christoph Friediich von
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Author: HARCOURT (Robert)
HARCOURT (Robert). A Relation of a voyage t1o Guiara...16l3, etc. See LONDOH.[III. Micel1aneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Hakltiyt Societ7. [Publications.] Second. Series. No. 60.
Card ID: 237
STERLING URARY s,t]r,&- /S9J REFERENCE O!LY HARCOURT (Robert). A Relation of a voyage to Guiana. Describing the dlirnat, scituation, fertilitie, prouisiom and commodities of that country...together, with the manners, cutomes, behauiors, and dispositions of the people. Performed by Robert Harcourt, etc. pp. (16) + 71. 4. Printed by I.Beale for W.Wel: London, 1613. - Eound in ei1m with 2 other items, the spine lettered ‘GuLana Voyages’. S.L.c., 1. 426
Card ID: 236
Author: SWIFT (Charles Robert)
SWIFT (Charles Robert). Inns & inn signs, sacred and secular... Introduction by 0. Harcourt. Foreword by Sir W.G. Benham. pp. xv. + L1.7 + (1). Illustrations and facsimile. 8°. St. Albans, [l9L.7J.
Card ID: 333
Author: SCHILLER (Johann Christoph Friediich von)
SCHILLER (Johann Christoph Friediich von). Appendix. j § HARCOURT (Robert d’). La Jeunesse de Schiller. Paris, (1928].
Card ID: 63
Author: No Author available
Lc-i-C.— g-1. /1i •j’.;_t GOETHE (Johann wolIgang von). [Appendix.Miscellaneous. ] See HARCOURT (Robert ). La Religion de Gâthe. Strassburg and Paris, 19L1.9.
Card ID: 357
? L(fletr rir &contj HARCOURT (Robert a.’), Count. . La Jeunesse de Schi1ier IWith a bibiiograpby.J pp. (6) +iv. +490. - 0 8 . Paris, [1928].
Card ID: 238
Author: WALPCLE (Horace)
1J WALPCLE (Horace), .r1 of Oxfod. ELetters.] The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, etc. [Continued.) 323Zi. Correspondence with the Countess of Upper Ossory... Edited by ‘..S.Lewis and A.D.Wallace, with the assistance of E.M.!artz. 1965. 35. Correspondence with John Chute, Richard Beit1ey, the Earl of Straf ford, Sir William Hamilton, the Earl and Countess Harcourt, George Hardinge. Edited by W.S.Lewis, A.Dayle Wallace and Robert A.Smith, with the assistance of Edwine Mi4artz. 1973. 36. Correspondence with the Walpole family. Edited by W.S. Iewis and Joseph W.Reed with the assistance of Edwine H. Hartz. 1973. ISEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 366