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HANNAY Robert Kerr a:morgan robert|k:on (robert) (2)
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HANNAY, Robert Kerr
Author: HANNAY (Robert Kerr)
HANNAY (Robert Kerr). See EDINBURGH. Society of Iriters to the Sigiet. The Society of Writers to His i1ajety’s Signet. With a list of the members, and abstracts of the minutes of the Society, the Commissioners and the Council, and the early history of the Scottish Signet (by R.K.Hannay). Edinburgh, 1936.
Card ID: 229
i HANNAY (Robert Kerr). EDINBURCH. Univer3ity of Edinburgh. Charters, statutes, and acts of the To’?,n Council and the Senatus, 1583—188. Edited by A. Morgan. With historical introductions by R.K. Hannay. dinburgi and 1937.
Card ID: 230