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HANLEY James a:p will|k:p (will) (9)
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Author: HANLEY (James)
STERLING LTBRARY t REFERENCE ONLY HANLEY (James). Captain I3ottell. pp. 423. 80. London, i93. No.76 at 99 coflies on rag apeiy sig by the guthor With a prsontation inscriptipn ythe author.
Card ID: 99
HANLEY (James). Men in darkness: Live storjes..,Wjth a prel’ace by J.C.Powys. pp. xiv. + 323. 8°. London, 1931. C& U J C Hc-c1 [Another copy.1 [L.P.] Lqi.1J EFFZRNCF fl,v No. 74 of 105 coIes signedjv uhr. The design for the aper of the ordinary edition is inserted. With a p serktation .inscriotion by the author on the flyleaf.
Card ID: 116
STERLING LiBRARY L 3 31, — I4 REFERENCE ONLY HANLEY (James). No directions. pp.14?. 80. London, 1943.
Card ID: 117
STERLING LIBRARY REFERENCE OL’ HANLEY (James). A Passion before death. pp. 50. g0 London, privately printed, 1930. No.146 ofOO cojles. numbered and signed by tjie_aujhor. Qn bndme japer.
Card ID: 119
H21t60 HANLEY (James). Pisys One: The inner journey, A stone flower. psi. 192. 6°. London, 1968. STERLING LIBRARY -- — . 1J REFERENCE ONLY [Another copy.) I,,
Card ID: 120
STE FLfl’! LEERARY ES REFEREI’CE OLY HANLEY (James). Quartermaster Clausen.. (The return.). pp. . 80. Thite ON1 Press:: London, 1934. Wltha esentati.ori jpscr by tie.thor on the f1y1et.
Card ID: 121
STERLlIG LIBRAF ‘2u - REFEFECE ONLt HANLEY (James). Stoker Bush. pp. 308. - 8. London, 1935. With a oreseitation inScription_by the aho on the f].yleat.
Card ID: 128
STERLING LIBRARY ICi REFERENCE QI? HANLEY (James). Stoker Haslett: a tale. pp. 38. 8. London, 1932. No. 69 o’ 350 cooies. numbred aid signed by the author.
Card ID: 129
(xx) Sc HANLEY (James). A Walk in the wilderness: [short stories]. pp. 192. 8°. London, 1950.
Card ID: 130