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HAMMOND John Lawrence Le Breton a:on john|k:0799 (2)
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HAMMOND, John Lawrence Le Breton
HAMMOND, John Lawrence Le Breton and, Laicr Barbara
Author: HAMMOND (John Lawrence Le Breton)
MVRH Fox Ham HAMMOND (John Lawrence Le Breton). ObarLes James Fox: a political study. pp. 370. London, 1903.
Card ID: 123
Author: HAMMOND (John Lawrence Le Breton) and (Laicr Barbara)
Q4 SHA Ham HAMMOND (John Lawrence Le Breton) and (Laicr Barbara) lord Shaftesbury...Third edition. [With a bib1iographr.) (Makers of the Nineteenth Century, edited by B. Williams.) pp. x. + (st) + 313. Portrait. london, 192. Fourth edition. (Reprinted.) pp. 323. Portrait. london, 1969. .3
Card ID: 128