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HAMMERTON Sir John Alexander a:is alexander john|k:in (alexander) (6)
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HAMMERTON, Sir John Alexander
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Author: HAMMERTON (Sir John Alexander)
HAMMERTON (Sir John Alexander). Books and myself: memoirs of an editor, etc. pp.343. Portraits, plates and facsimile. 8. London, [1944].
Card ID: 77
Author: No Author available
L1e. HAMMERTON (Sir John Alexander). Child of wonder: an intimate biography of Arthur Mee. [With a bibliography.j pp. 252. Portraits., plates and facsimile. 8. London, 1946.
Card ID: 78
HAMMERTON (Sir John Alexander.) See PUNCH, Periodical. Mr. Punch’s railway book, etc. [Selections.] (Edited by J.A. Hainmerton.) [London, 1906.]
Card ID: 84
HARMSWORTh (Alfred Charles William), Viscount Northcljffe. See HAMMERTON (Sir John Alexander). With Northcliffe In Fleet Street: (a peraonal record). 80 • London, [1932J.
Card ID: 157
r-H3 Yuzl.I HMAYERTON (Sir John Alexander). The Masterpiece library of short stories: the thousand best complete tales of all times and all countries. Selected by an international board of eminent critics...Edited by Sir J.A. Hammerton. 20 vols. in 10. Portraits. 8°. London, C. 1935].
Card ID: 81
cC., ‘ — WILSON (MW.) and HAMMERTON (Sir John Alexander). The Great war: the standard history of the all—Europe conflict. Edited by M.W.Wilson and J.A.Haninerton, etc. 13 vols. Port,raits, plates, illustrations and maps. 4°. London, 1914—19.
Card ID: 311