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HAMILTON s William Rowan a:be william|k:it (william) (3)
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HAMILTON, s William Rowan
HAMILTON, j William Rowan
HAMILTON, Sir William Rowan
Author: HAMILTON (s William Rowan)
L° (i7) HAMILTON (S William Rowan), Boyal AStronomer of Ireland. The FirSt part of an eSSay on the theory of SyStemS of rayS. FirStj — Third Supplement From Vol. XVL [—XVII.] of the TranSactionS of the Royal IriSh Academy. 4 partS in 1 vol. IDe M.] 4°. b1i, 1828—33.
Card ID: 481
Author: HAMILTON (j William Rowan)
L 7 [Hoé] HAMILTON (j William Rowan) RoyLAStrçmer o Irelan4. LectureS on quaternionS: containing a SyStematic Statement of a now mathematical method... with numerouS illuStrative diagramS, and... geometrical and phySic]. applicationS. pp. (6) 6+ ix.—lxxii. + g3b.. V SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>S . Dub]J, 1853. LAnotber copy.] [The 14.] Wanting t1 half-title.
Card ID: 482
Author: HAMILTON (Sir William Rowan)
La(fP r’) HAMILTON (SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir William Rowan), Joyal AStronomer of Ireland. Memoir of SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir W.R.Hamilton. Reprinted from the Geiitjeiaan’S Ugazine, io. 1, New SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>SerieS, Jan. 1, 1866. pp. i6; ‘[De MJ 8°. (Londoti, 1866]. Catalogued from the ction. A letter from SS='text-error'>SS='text-error'>Sir Y1.R.Flamilton to ProfeSSor De Morgan, two newSpaper cuttingS aLd a ___ of a buSt of iton are inSerted. [Jthother copy.) JQ11Q
Card ID: 484